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看看他们。把自己关在自己的囚笼里。Look them all. Rats in their cages.

我们生来是自由的,但却处处处于囚笼中。We are born free but in chains everywhere.

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从今以后,我将成为诅咒的囚笼。Forevermore, I will be the Jailor of the Damned.

她说“我们不过是自己营造的囚笼里的囚徒罢了”。And she said "we are all just prisoners here of our own device".

“拜伦式英雄”通过爱情把女性人物桎梏于爱的囚笼中。The female characters are constrained by the Byronic Heroes' love.

这个时候,小字眼还在囚笼里默默地流泪。Meanwhile, the word slept in it's cage, shedding only silent tears.

其实,就是她一声声的“激将”与“鼓励”促使他进入牢房的囚笼的。In fact, she is a sound of" will" and" encouraged" to get him into the cage.

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有一天,有人经过囚笼,发现小字眼不在了。One day, someone passed the cage and noticed that the word wasn't there anymore.

审判期间,被告必须坐在一个为了他们自身安全所造的囚笼。The defendants in the trial will also be seated inside a cage built for their own protection.

每天都有几百只猫被抓进那些空间狭小甚至都不能转身的囚笼。Hundreds of cats a day are being rounded and crammed into cages so small they cannot even turn around.

成年雄性对青少年雄性极不友善,尤其是在动物园的囚笼或圈养区中。Adult male orangutans are extremely aggressive to adolescents , particularly within the confines of a zoo.

促使重听人从自建的孤独与绝望的囚笼中走出来绝非易事。It's not easy to move hard of hearing people out of their self-constructed closet of isolation and despair.

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他以26岁的高龄故去——足够让他在囚笼之中目睹了两场内战和两场国外入侵。He had lived to the ripe old age of 26 -- long enough to have watched two civil wars and two invasions from his cage.

牧师我们的身体是灵魂的囚笼,肉体腐烂,死亡将一切化为灰烬,于是灵魂得到解脱。Priest Our bodies are prisons for our souls. All flesh decays. Death turns all to ash. And thus death frees every soul.

当你意识到这种非人类的智慧,你会渐渐意识到海豚不应该属于囚笼。When you become conscious of this nonhuman intelligence, you realize after a while they don't really belong in captivity.

珍还设立了若干个保护区,专门收养那些从囚笼中被解救出来的黑猩猩和那些因丛林肉食交易而沦为孤儿的小黑猩猩们。She also founded sanctuaries for chimps who could be freed from captivity, including many orphaned by the bush-meat trade.

释放被困在你不原谅的囚笼里的人,其实就是释放你自己。When you release those who you are holding captive in the prison of un-forgiveness, it is you who is released from prison.

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我在写作的过程中进行回忆。我不愿被束缚在现实的囚笼中。我想要放飞我的想象,让它去任何它想要到达的地方。I do my remembering while I'm writing. I don't want to be caged in by reality. I want my imagination to go wherever it wants to go.

过去两年来,我们伤痕累累、担惊受怕,被关进了恐惧害怕和糟糕经济的囚笼。我们入不敷出。我们付出了代价。For the past two years, we've been scarred and scared, imprisoned in our fears and an awful economy. We lived beyond our means. We paid the price.

小说以一位敏感的知识女性在父权制婚姻家庭里备受压抑的经历,揭示了家庭这一“囚笼”对女性身心的摧残。Based on the stifling experience of a sensitive educated woman in her family, the novelette reveals the oppression of women from the prison, their patriarchal families.