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她没有履行她的职责。She failed in her duty.

CEO的职责是分配资源。CEOs allocate resources.

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照看这些晓树是他们的职责。It's their duty to look.

我觉得我已尽了自己的职责。I felt I had done my duty.

做某事出有因是我们的职责。It's one's duty to do sth.

我告诉他这是他的职责。I told him it was his duty.

职责总是会召唤自由民。Duty always called free men.

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他的职责是播种不和。His Office is to sow Discords.

这就是监管机构的职责That's what surveillance does.

他是一位满怀职责的互济会员。He's a Mason fulfilling a duty.

司法部门的职责是什么?。What does the Judical Branch do?

你别想逃避责任,这本来就是你的职责。You can't shirk, it's your duty.

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职责驱动的方法。A responsibility-driven approach.

我在一家电脑公司职责。I work for a pc compa wonderfuly.

你不用介意,这是巫女的职责。Don't you matter. This is my duty.

他履行了职责。He discharged his responsibilities.

我们忠实地履行了职责。We discharged our duties faithfully.

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把他们当大人般地教导是我的职责。It is my job to teach them as people.

他们的职责将是自己的孩子。Their duty will be to their own kids.

探求真元,是我们的职责。Exploring truth is our responsibility.