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婚姻是终身大事。Marriage is for life.

我知道我很啰唆,可是这是妳的终身大事。I know I'm a in the neck. I just want you to be happy.

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这可是他的终身大事,不可儿戏。Event of lifelong significance, usually refers to marriage.

请接受我对你们的终身大事所表示的最衷心的祝贺。Please accept my best wishes for a long and happy married life.

向潮认为结婚是终身大事,要成双考虑清楚。To the tide that marriage is marriage, to come in to think clearly.

终身大事,只能找个你全心全意爱的人。Finally, you've got to marry the person you love with your whole heart.

爱情之所以被称为人的终身大事,意味着它在人生中的重要地位。Love is called the marriage, means that its important position in the life of the.

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“在终身大事上,女性比男性更谨慎”,戈登教授补充说。"Women are cannier than men at making a lifetime choice, " added Professor Gordon.

曾与落跑新娘订婚的男子已完成终身大事—对象是另一个女人。The man who was once engaged to runaway bride has gotten married _ to another woman.

另外尚有许多新人在长假期间赶著完成终身大事。In addition, there are many couples who are rushing to get married during the holiday.

曾与落跑新娘订婚的男子已完成终身大事—对象是另一个女人。The man who was once engaged to the runaway bride has gotten married _ to another woman.

如果再给你一次选择的机会,你或许可以考虑一下把自己的终身大事推迟到25岁以后。But given the choice, you might consider putting off the big day until your mid-20s or later.

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“亲爱的玛丽安,”她说,“再过几个月,埃丽诺十有八九要定下终身大事了。"In a few months, my dear Marianne. " said she, "Elinor will, in all probability be settled for life.

她的父母更不愿意采取行动,因为可能坏了她的终身大事。Her parents will be even less willing to take action because it could scuttle her chances of marriage.

她天马行空,自由自在,忘却了时间与年龄,甚至连自己的终身大事也顾不得考虑。She has a free mind and a free schedule, forgetting all about time and age, even about love and marriage.

我不明白塔姆荪那样一个安静,温雅的姑娘,可肯把这样一件终身大事,这样马马虎虎地办了。Well, i can't understand a quiet ladylike little body like tamsin caring to be married in such a mean way.

易奕回到家后,妈妈拉着易奕一起看各种条件优秀的女生,想为易奕的终身大事做决定。Yi Yi back home, mom took Yi Yi look at various conditions good girl together, want to Yi Yi for decision making.

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过去提问「终身大事」最受欢迎的地点包括高级餐厅,月光下的公园及其他浪漫的地方。In the past, popular places to ask the "big question" have included fancy restaurants, moonlit parks, or other romantic places.

父母年纪大了,他们担心他们有什么闪失,我跟女儿怎么办,所以一直叫我尽快处理好终身大事!Older parents, they are worried that they are packed, I told her how to do so as soon as possible has asked me to handle married!

我当时立刻就想到过,你不会为你的朋友离开海伯里感到遗憾,以为她的终身大事定得这么好。It crossed my mind immediately that you would not regret your friend's leaving Highbury, for the sake of her being settled so well.