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众所周知,良朋益友使生活平添乐趣与价值。As is known to all, good friends add happiness and value to life.

过放荡不羁的生活,容易得像顺水推舟,但是要结识良朋益友,却难如登天。A lead a fast life, was as easy as it, but to meet friends, but impossible.

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良朋益友帮助我们播种美德,狐朋狗友会让我们播种罪恶。Good companions help us to sow virtue, evil companions help us to sow vice.

所以,多交益友,对于女人来说这对你的帮助远超你的想象。So get good friends, it will help you out more than you can ever imagine with women.

广阔天地,真诚合作,广交益友,共同发展。Wide world, Faithful cooperation, Making helpful friends and Seeking mutual development.

我愿是您一生一世的良朋益友,并且不断添加您人生价值的幸福砝码!I would like to be a good friend of all your life, and to add in happinesses of your self-worth!

咱们愿是您平生一世的良友益友,而且不停新增您人的生活价值的福祉砝码!We would like to be good friends of all your life, and to add in happinesses of your self-worth!

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为了达到幸福和成功的目的,益友对于一个人的帮助要比大量金钱和渊博学问多。Friends of the right sort will help him more-to be happy and successful-than much money or great learning.

相对而言,不管怎么说,他倒没令我产生一丝反感,仍不失为一位诙谐有趣的同餐益友。He, in turn, caused me no allergic reaction whatsover and remained a witty and interesting dining companion.

她就是孔夫子所说的「友直,友谅,友多闻」那种益友。Confucius once defined a helpful friend as one of integrity, consideration and great knowledge. She is just the type.

这个蓝颜知己是你旅游时,看体育赛事时,以及了解男生时不可缺少的益友。The Guy Friend" is a must-have for a night out on the town, sporting events, and unique insight into how the male mind works."

在过度拥挤的行业中无法保持持久的益友业绩,真正的机会是去创造一个没有竞争的市场空间——蓝海。Competing in over-crowded industries is no way to sustain high performance, the real opportunity is to create blue oceans of uncontested market space.