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我不可喜欢听金西嬷嬷算命。I don’t like Mammy Jincy’s fortunes.

他不相信算命人。He doesn't believe in fortune-tellers.

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他的职业是替人算命。Drawing up other's horoscope is his job.

算命人说的话应验了吗?Did what the fortune-teller said come true?

你相信算命的人说的话吗?Did you believe what the fortuneteller said?

算命人对作者说了什么?What did the fortune-teller tell the writer?

我既不懂得命运也不懂得算命。I don't know about fortunes or fortune-telling.

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每家咖啡馆都有其独特的算命方式。Each cafe has a distinct fortune-telling method.

算命人,你在牌上能把未来的什么参透?Fortuneteller, what do you see future in a card?

我不相信星象学或是算命的。I don't believe in astrology or fortune-telling.

那个算命人的预言很快将会成真。That psychic's ­prediction should soon come true.

“你会算命?”六哥惊讶道。"Will you tell fortune?"Six elder sibling startled way.

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说不定是算命的建议不接受外国援助的。Perhaps soothsayers advised against accepting foreign aid.

人们相信算命人可以预测你的命运。It is believed that fortune-tellers can foretell your fate.

我是个算命的先生,我也卖过酸枣、落花生什么的。Once I was a vender of sour dates , ground-nuts and what not.

其中一个说,他年轻时,一个替人算命的人曾预言。One said that, when he was young, a fortune-teller predicted.

一些算命者说他们能够预言将来发生的事情。Some fortune-tellers say that they can predict future events.

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小孩子和年轻女子在客厅津津有味的玩着算命游戏。Families and young woman enjoyed fortunetelling games in the parlor.

我不相信算命,哪怕是我自己给自己设定命运轨迹。I don't believe in fortune-telling. Even if it's me, telling my own.

当一只孤独的青蛙找一位算命师算命时,他被告知不用担心。When a lonely frog consults a fortune-teller, he's told not to worry.