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本年五大最受欢迎的男孩名与客岁大抵雷同。The boys' top five looks almost the same as last year.

但所采集信息的语义大抵相似。But the rough semantics of what's gathered are similar.

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记住导航仪的电力大抵能支持一个星期左右。Remember the navigator is current for approximately 1 week.

他最自豪的功绩,戳穿后才知大抵都是虚构的。His most vaunted exploits were exposed as largely fictitious.

老是担心自己的灵魂是否会被打入地狱的人,其灵魂大抵不值分文。Words are the pen of the heart, but music is the pen of the soul.

独一能改变我的方法。大抵是把我的头打爆…The only way to cha subaloneytantialge me is maybe hit my mind out.

同样的,其他水资源商品的市场也大抵不存在。Markets for other water products are, meanwhile, mainly nonexistent.

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在更大的范围上,清溪川流过的韩国地区也大抵经过这一番转变。So, to a large extent, has the Korea through which the stream flows.

波浪大抵都是由风吹过水面而引起的。Most waves are caused by winds blowing over the surface of the water.

提醒他们如果有些东西听起来好的不真实,那么事实大抵如此。Remind them that if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

决策层在雷曼破产后的措施大抵正确。In the aftermath of the Lehman crisis, policymakers broadly did the right thing.

对大学生而言,相信只要肯下四年苦功,大抵都能冀望达到。For university students, after four years hard work, most students can achieve it.

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当市场风雨飘摇,经济摇摇欲坠之际,当彩虹再现的之时,大抵就是黄金价格飚升的时候了。Its price tends to soar when times are stormy and crash when the rainbows reappear.

医师能给你提出的,大抵就是健康低卡膳食的基本指导。Your primary care physician can give you basic guidelines for a healthy, low-calorie diet.

大型激光打印机和绘图仪的更新程序大抵与微机相同。Procedure for replacing large laser jets and graph plotters is similar to that for computers.

说的是对称原理。意思大抵是说,要求人们在同样的环境下被相同地对待。Symmetry principle is the requirement that people in similar situations be treated similarly.

如果看守所一开始就讲真话,网络上劳师动众的事儿大抵也不会发生了吧?!The whole Internet fire could have been avoided if the prison told the truth in the first place.

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发生这种现象的原因,大抵包括对新科技的忧虑、对变革风险的恐惧、对差异的担心。Some possible reasons include fear of technology, fear of the risks of change and fear of being different.

我们希望我们是星际大战的要角欧匹万肯诺匹,而大抵而言我们已是,但我们的内在没有一丝主掌黑暗力量的鞑施万靼。We wish we were Obi-Wan Kenobi, and for the most part we are, but there's a little Darth Vadar in all of us.

而全国范围内意图激发年轻人对办公室政治兴趣的活动也大抵不甚成功。Nation-wide campaigns to get younger worker excited about office politics are proven largely unsuccessful as well.