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刚开始决定要勤俭持家的人,一般都是从控制饮食开始的。People new to frugal living always seem to tackle their food bill first.

如果消费者不求斥金如土,但望勤俭持家,运通也希望一路有它。If consumers espouse frugality instead of ostentatious spending, Amex wants to be there.

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在这一个房价飞涨的时代,我们多数工薪一族都是过着勤俭持家的日子。In this era of soaring house prices, most of our family are living a thrifty working day.

Polly无疑是一个守旧的、勤俭持家的妇女,她知道节俭的重要性。Polly is a down to earth old school hard fisted woman who knows the importance of frugality.

通过这些事的急转直下,许多曾经的富翁对于财富有了一种新的认识,看到了勤俭持家的重要意义。The turn of events provided many with a new perspective upon wealth, and the importance of prudence.

我父亲经常说,多亏了我祖母勤俭持家,他们才得以勉强维持生计。My father often said that it was only because my grandmother was so economical that the wolves were kept at bay.

要让中国人买东西,你应该牢记中国人勤俭持家,精打细算的习惯。To market to Chinese one should keep in mind the frugal and mercenary buying habits of country folk the world over.

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但专业人士已经指出,奥巴马似乎是在“彰显勤俭持家”,其实根本不了解实情。However, professionals have pointed out, Obama seems to be in the "highlight frugal, " in fact do not understand the truth.

勤俭持家的能力是项非常宝贵的才能,我很兴奋女儿年纪轻轻就在这方面显示出了一定的功夫,即使并非她所有的做法我都赞同。The ability to live cheaply is a very valuable skill and I'm glad my daughter has shown some mastery of it at a young age even if I can't endorse all her tactics.

勤俭持家的能力是项非常宝贵的才能,我很高兴女儿年纪轻轻就在这方面显示出了一定的功夫,即使并非她所有的做法我都赞同。The ability to live cheaply is a very valuable skill, and I'm glad my daughter has shown some mastery of it at a young age, even if I can't endorse all her tactics.

靠收集优惠券、去二手市场购物,我们就可以平安度过薪酬缩水时期——宣扬勤俭持家的书籍和电视节目也许会让人对此信以为真,但是千万不要轻信。Books and TV shows on frugal living would have you believe that you can survive an income cut merely by cutting coupons and shopping in thrift stores. Don't believe them.