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那些野花野草是那么可怜。Those grasses are so pathetic.

草地上长满了野花。Wild flowers overgrow the grass.

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鼠老三采来一把五彩缤纷的野花,一朵朵摆在大饼上。Rat three put on some flower to the coke.

女孩在头发上插了一朵野花。The girl stuck a wild flower in her hair.

野花可以在外面随处找到。Wildflowers can be found for free outside.

这里!我为你采来一束野花。Here! I've picked you a bunch of wildflowers.

空气是清新的,到处都是野花。The air was fresh, and wild flowers abounded.

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这是野花及药草王国所沉思的东西。This the wildflowers and herb kingdoms ponder.

⊙、路边的野花,也是很牛比的!The roadside flowers, is also very constructive!

各种野花和野草环绕着这个小池塘。Wild flowers and grasses rimmed the little pond.

鸟声溢,鸣啾唧,野花放,遍地香。The wee birdies sing and the wild flowers spring.

在叉路口上,我选那条有野花的。At the crossroads, I take the one of wild flowers.

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一簇野花具有深刻的现代主义内涵。A tuft of flowers have deep modernism connotations.

中国旅游,内蒙古,科尔沁,野花。China travel, Inner Mongolia, Horqin, a small town.

牛把田里的野花踩坏了。The cattle trod down the wild flowers in the field.

海象的头骨单独地坐落在布满野花的旷野里。A walrus skull sits alone in a field of wildflowers.

女人晚熟的爱情,象道旁迷人的野花。Mature love woman, like a roadside charming flowers.

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在今年的嘉士伯,野花依旧盛开。The wildflowers were still abloom in Jasper this year.

今年春天,我在自家院子里开辟了一片野花花园。This spring,I started a wildflower garden in our yard.

野花华尔滋,绵羊溪华尔滋,小鹿挽歌。Wildflower waltz, sheep creek waltz, dead calf lament.