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孔雀把尾羽展成扇形。The peacock fanned his tail.

那鸟有扇形的尾巴。The Bird has a fan-like tail.

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他把牌在手上展成扇形。He fanned out the cards in his hand.

她将纸牌在手中展成扇形。She fanned out the cards in her hand.

你使用托雷士吉他的扇形力木系统吗?Do you use the Torres bracing pattern?

部队向前推进时呈扇形散开。The fire fanned out in all directions.

部队向前推进时呈扇形散开。The troops fanned out as they advanced.

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我们部队在田野里呈扇形散开。Our troops fanned out across the fields.

臀围线以下的扇形褶边。The dress fell in pleats from the waist.

部队在战场上成扇形散开。The troops fanned out across the fields.

士兵们向前推进时呈扇形散开。The soldiers fanned out as they advanced.

球迷们在球场上成扇形散开。The football fans fanned out across the pitch.

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他出牌前先把纸牌在手里展成扇形。He fanned the cards in his hand before playing.

队伍到达开阔地便成扇形摆开阵势。The troops fanned out in a northerly direction.

队伍到达开阔地便成扇形摆开阵势。The troops fanned out as they reached open ground.

她把手中的钱展成扇形开始点数。She fanned the money in her hand and began to count.

扇形花边和丝带对比下摆提高。Scalloped lace and a contrast ribbon enhance the hem.

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填充屏幕上椭圆的扇形区域。Fills the pie-shaped area of the ellipse on the screen.

搜索的人们为了寻找失散的小孩,呈扇形散开。The searchers fanned out to look for the missing child.

这个扇形地变得越来越大,大到足够堵死上面的河流,最终形成了下面的湖。The fan grew big enough to dam the river and form the lake.