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从黑暗中有什么召唤在引动你?What call from the dark urges you?

启心铭志,引动未来!Unlock your mind, open your future!

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电影主角的一句话引动了她的怀旧情绪。One of the actor's lines aroused his nostalgia.

需要时,这样执行可以取消引动过程。This allows the cancellation of the invocation, if you want to.

这就是真的“持戒引动恶业而轻受果报”的原因。Such is the truth that "upholding precepts can diminish karmic debts".

你熟知生活的一切秘密,告诉我怎样引动西比尔来爱我!You, who know all the secrets of life, tell me how to charm Sibyl Vane to love me!

精密线性导轨导向引动,确保准确印刷和高重复精度。Precision linearity rail move and ensure to print exactly and high repeat precision.

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从好的方面说,我们的体育引动使我们不断退化的政治运动看起来有些进步。On the bright side, our sports make our ever- devolving political process look dignified.

与所爱的人意见不一致时,切记只针对当下问题讨论,绝对不要把「过去」引动出来。In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past.

这种引动器仅用于装有标准手动温度控制系统的车型。This actuator is used only on models equipped with the standard manual temperature control system.

取得或设定值,这个值表示是否允许非公用成员之受限制的引动过程。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether restricted invocation of non-public members is allowed.

当ACS550检测到一个超负荷值高于预设值时,它会引动顺序清洗程序。When the ACS550 senses an increase in load that exceeds a preset value, it triggers a cleaning sequence.

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放纵喜怒哀乐的情绪,除了会影响别人的情绪之外,也会引动别人对你的态度。Indulge the passions mood, in addition to affect the emotions of others, will also drive the other's attitude to you.

指引并非有意广泛包罗,反之为一份协助堂区启发引动各自维修保养计划的文件。These are not meant to be comprehensive but rather as a tool to assist parishes in developing their own maintenance programs.

耶稣从那里出来,文士和法利赛人,就极力的催逼他,引动他多说话。And as he said these things unto them, the scribes and the Pharisees began to urge him vehemently, and to provoke him to speak of many things

就在此时,新闻播音员们刚刚开始追踪报道一团从东南海岸向Andaman安达曼群岛引动的降水云系。Meanwhile, radio newscasters were just beginning to track a promising swirl of rain clouds moving over the Andaman Islands, off the southeast coast.

令人厌烦的电台广播会播放出悠扬动听的音乐并引动人们的情绪与之共振,所有的事情都突然变得很意义。The radio broadcasts of hate will be replaced by beautiful music and people will be in the mood to sway to the music. Everything will suddenly "make sense".

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在我的四周,有着足以使我沉醉的奇迹,那些健全沉静而又美丽的树木、流水、花草、阳光和早霜——但最引动我的还是天空。Out of the sane, silent, beauteous miracles that envelop and fuse me trees, water, grass, sunlight, and early frost the one I am looking at most today is the sky.

视需要旋转并将真空引动器倾斜以放松循环空气门连杆末端上的勾销放松引动器连接末端上的孔。Rotate and tilt the vacuum actuator as required to disengage the hole on the end of the actuator link from the hooked pin on the end of the recirculation air door lever.

这个行业的引动运营商是一个非充分竞争状态,所以对无线互联网业务而言,多多少少这是一个制约。Of this industry bring moving operation business is one is not sufficient competition condition, be opposite so wireless Internet business, more or less this is one is restricted.