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用来淘洗瓷土等原料的。Used for washing porcelain clay and stuff like that.

哦,这些矿物质构成不同的瓷土,对吧?I see and these mineral form various kinds of porcelain clay right?

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康沃尔的瓷土沉淀带来了巨大的经济价值。The deposits of china clay in Cornwall are of great economic value.

且1984年至今,一直是中国最大的涂布瓷土供应商。And since 1984 has been China's largest porcelain clay coating suppliers.

这是一个用瓷土制成的东西,它的历史也许可以追溯到公元前2000年。It’s made of clay – check. It dates back to the second millenium B.C.E. – maybe.

研究了瓷土及CTS改性瓷土吸附水中苯胺的两种新方法。The aniline in waste water was satisfactorily treated by CTS_modified porcelain clay.

对瓷土做MC尼龙填充剂进行了一系列的应用研究。A series of research has been carried out in using china clay as stuffing in MC nylon.

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了解如何塑造一个陶瓷的瓷土面具在这视频免费陶瓷教程。Learn how to mold a pottery mask out of porcelain clay in this free ceramics video tutorial.

瓷土,你会使用你的手艺青蛙干漂亮的白色阴影。The porcelain clay that you will use for your craft frogs will dry in a nice shade of white.

高岭土,瓷土一种细黏土,在制陶器和耐火材料时使用,也可用作纸张和纺织片。A fine clay used in ceramics and refractories and as a filler or coating for paper and textiles.

幼细泥土。造纸用填料,粉纸的涂剂原料。亦称瓷土。Kaolin Fine clay used as a filler in paper making, as an ingredient for coating materials. Alao called china clay.

这里的瓷土、高岭土土矿藏丰富,自宋代开始烧制御器。It has rich resources of china clay and kaolin and imperial chinaware was produced there early in the song dynasty.

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这里的瓷土、高岭土土矿藏丰富,自宋代开始烧制御器。It has rich resources of china clay and kaolin, and imperial chinaware was produced there early in the Song Dynasty.

瓷制釉面砖,即由瓷土烧制而成,吸水率较低,强度相对较高。Porcelain makes glazed pottery, become by porcelain clay fire namely, bibulous rate is inferior, strength is relative taller.

本工作以特定白瓷土为原料,成功合成了两种兼有清洁、上光功能的清洁膏。Two types of "Cleaning and Shining" difunctional paste detergents have been successfully synthesized from special China clay.

由于自小成长于瓷器艺术的氛围之中,郑更多地是受到瓷器作品的影响而非瓷土本身。Yet growing up in the heartland of porcelain, Zheng may have been influenced more by porcelain decoration than the clay itself.

该文综合利用文献、口述资料和通过实地调研,提出并证明了“水缸山是宋代笔架山潮州窑主要的瓷土采集地”的新观点。There is a common view that this kilns porcelain clay which was used in shaping came from Bijia Shan itself and Feitianyan Shan.

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造纸时,在打浆机内混入含大量瓷土的填料,经砑光机打磨平滑而成。It is made by adding a large quantity of mineral loading such as china clay, to the pulp in the beater and made very smooth by calendering.

其中,造纸瓷土、棉布、生铁、水泥等产品出口欧美、日本及东南亚、港澳地区。One of , paper clay , cotton, pig iron, cement and other products exported to Europe, America, Japan and Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Macao regions.

劈离砖是当前建材市场重要商品,生产工艺独特,对陶土和瓷土原料要求严格。Pili Tile is an important commodity in building material market, its production technology is peculiar and is strict with pottery and porcelain clay.