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春季防流脑,荠菜煮粥好。Spring anti-ECM, a good shepherd's purse porridge.

不知道现在的孩子是否还能认识荠菜?Do not know if children can understand shepherd's purse?

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小时候挑荠菜是一种乐趣,是孩童才有的快乐。Shepherd's Purse is a fun pick a child is a child only happiness.

原胚发育属柳叶菜型荠菜变型。Proembryo development is of the Capsella-variation of Onagrad type.

把荠菜春卷作为时令美食一点也不谓过。The shepherd's purse spring roll as a seasonal food is nothing that too.

说的就是这三月的荠菜最好,带着自然的淡淡清香。Says the shepherd's purse is the best in March, with a faint fragrance of nature.

南方人不好吃面食的,荠菜大多用来烧汤吃。Southerners are not tasty pasta, shepherd's purse are mostly used for Shao Tang eat.

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被冻了的荠菜,失去了原先的光泽,干巴巴的,很难摘净。Frozen in the shepherd's purse, lost its original luster, dry and difficult to Zhai net.

研究了油炒、漂烫和微波三种烹调方法对野生蔬菜蒲公英、荠菜一些营养成分的影响。The paper studied the effect of different cooking methods on nutrition of wild vegetable.

没有告诉妈妈,对于荠菜饺子,女儿已经没当初那么喜欢了。Did not tell her mother, for dumplings, shepherd's purse, his daughter has not been quite like a.

女儿爱极了荠菜春卷,一边吃一边点头说真香!Very loving daughter, shepherd's purse spring rolls, he nodded, said while eating really fragrant!

香米软饭,糖醋五花肉,椒盐土豆,荠菜豆腐羹,苹果。Rice, Sweet and sour streaky pork, Spiced salt potato, Thick bean curd soup with green vegetable, Apple.

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以荠菜搅入肉圆,让荠菜吸收油脂,增菜味又去肥腻。To Shepherd's Purse stirred into meatballs, so Capsella fat absorption, increase fatty food flavor went.

一粒荠菜的种子只要落到适宜的地方,就会顽强地生根,发芽。A shepherd's purse seed as long as the appropriate place to fall, it will doggedly rooting and germination.

可是,我的妈妈,却一直记得,我们一家喜欢吃荠菜馅的饺子。However, my mother, but always remember that our family likes to eat shepherd's purse stuffing the dumplings.

微波使蒲公英、荠菜的总酸性物质、可溶性糖含量增加,维生素C、氨基态氮含量降低。Microwave cooking increased the contents of acid, soluble sugar, decreased the contents of vitamin C, amino-N.

当寻到麦田里,发现了鲜嫩的荠菜,我连连呼唤小伙伴快来。When find a wheat field where the shepherd's purse found in fresh, I call again and again Come a minor partner.

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回到家,外婆将荠菜一一捡摘好,洗干净交给母亲去烧。Home, maternal grandmother would pick up a good job in shepherd's purse 11, washed his mother to go to the burn.

荠菜还有清热解毒、凉血止血的作用,对防止头发早白十分有益。Shepherds Purse also detoxify, the role of cooling blood to stop bleeding, to prevent early white hair, very useful.

荠菜青青时节,外婆便要母亲陪着去田野里挑荠菜。Shepherd's purse green season, and grandmother would have to accompany her mother to pick the fields shepherd's purse.