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读程式码,理解它并查证它。Read my code. Understand it.

警察在查证他不在案发现场的证据。The police are checking out his alibi.

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您拨打的电话是空号,请查证后再拨。The line is busy now, please dial it later.

记者可以查证这些数据属实。This reporter was able to verify these data.

如果事情一旦查证属实,那他就是罪责难逃。If a thing once verified, that he is held accountable.

正确答案是4100,不要相信,用计算机查证吧!The correct answer is actually 4100. Don't believe it?

调查人员查证发现,这名男子名姓韩。Investigators have identified the bomber as Han Wushun.

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这是我们的税务检查证,请查看。This is my inspection permit. Please take a look at it.

引起危机的缘由几乎常常无从查证。What sets off the crisis is almost always unverifiable.

为了查证这个词的拼写方法,我从词典中查了一下这个词。I looked up the word in a dictionary to verify its spelling.

检查出库申请和库房收货,以查证库房记录是否正确。Checks stores requisitions and receipts against stock records.

后发星系团X射线发射的性质仍在查证中。The nature of Coma's X-ray emission is still being investigated.

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但是数字尾迹被有兴趣查证的碎片搞乱了。But the digital trail is littered with intriguing bits of evidence.

报告的核实经过了好几天的多方查证。The verification of the report took several days of cross-checking.

但由于对方没有报案,此事警方无从查证。However, it did not report the matter the police will have no check.

违反规定经查证属实者,取消其入学资格。Violation of this regulation will result in the denial of admission.

“您好,您拨打的号码是空号,请查证后再拨”用英文怎么翻译?Sorry , the subscriber you dialed does not exist, please check again.

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卢克前去查证,找到了发疯的黑暗绝地克隆人乔鲁乌斯·瑟鲍思。Luke investigated, finding the insane Dark Jedi clone, Joruus C'baoth.

我们需要两个公正的团体来查证这些文件。Two disinterested parties are needed to verify these documents for us.

如违反此规定并经查证属实者,撤销其所获准之入学资格。Violation of this regulation will result in the revocation of admission.