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从前,有一只圆圈缺了一块楔子。Once, a circle missed a wedge.

在我停下车时,把后轮用楔子塞住。Chock the back wheels when I stop.

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线夹的本体和楔子为可锻铸铁,热镀锌。The body and wedge are malleable iron.

那台铣床用楔子稳固地支垫著。The milling machine was firmly chocked up.

用楔子塞住圆桶,不然它会滚过去。Chock the barrel up or else it will roll over.

邓蒂斯知道他必须先进攻那块作为楔子的大石。Dantes reflected that he must attack his wedge.

划动的四肢,加上一颗楔子般用来平衡的脑袋。Four rowing limbs, and one wedge-balancing head.

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他用楔子把窗户塞紧使它不作响。He wedged the window to prevent it from rattling.

请在橱底楔入楔子以防它倾斜。Please wedge this cabinet to keep it from tipping.

司机将卡车的车轮用楔子垫好。The wheels of the truck were chocked by the driver.

冷而密度大的冷气团迫使暖气团上升,就像插入的一枚楔子。The cold, dense air lifts the warm air like a wedge.

从上方或侧面看,头部都呈楔子形。The head is wedge-shaped viewed from above and the side.

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嵌入一个楔子就可纠正误差。Rectification of this fault is achieved by insertion of a wedge.

例如,切勿将螺丝刀临时用作穿孔器、楔子或撬杆。For example, never use a screwdriver as a makeshift punch, wedge, or pry bar.

它想保持完整,便四处寻找那块楔子。The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece.

他们每个都单独顶起,楔子加在下面。Each of them can be individually jacked up, allowing wedges to be added underneath.

开始劈开,用锤把斧头楔子从一头的锯口打进原木。To start the split, drive either a hatchet or wedges into the corner end of the stave.

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下螺母凸面顶端滑动零件上的小弧线充当了一个楔子的作用。A small curve in the sliding part of the convex top of the lower nut acts as the wedge.

这种薄的纳米尺度的楔子形状吸收能力强,顶部吸收蓝光,底部吸收红光。The thin, nanoscale wedges strongly absorb blue light at the tip and red light at the base.

但即使对于核能来说,形成一个楔子需要的核电产能是目前的三倍。But even for nuclear to generate a single wedge would require tripling our current nuclear capacity.