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浸水的杏黄小果,饱满圆溜。Armeniacum flooded the small fruits, full circle away.

系着杏黄的围巾,帽沿战略地遮住一只眼睛。Your hat strategically dipped below one eye, your scarf, it was apricot.

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爱情,是青春迷乱岁月里的一轮杏黄月,美好而朦胧。Love, is the youth frenzy years round of apricot yellow months, fine but hazy.

爱情,是青春迷乱岁月里的一轮杏黄月,完美而朦胧胧。Love, , is in a youth confused years round apricot yellow month, happy and dim.

花柱红色到杏黄,狭窄,约6厘米,基部贴生于退化雄蕊柱。Style red to apricot yellow, narrow, ca. 6 cm, base adnate to staminode column.

香气高纯,汤色杏黄清澈明亮,滋味甜醇。Aroma of high-purity, clear liquor color armeniacum bright, sweet taste of alcohol.

墙面和家具偏黄色调,窗帘选色采用米黄、杏黄。Walls and furniture Pianhuang color, the color of a cream-colored curtains, Xing Huang.

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系着杏黄的围巾,帽沿战略地遮住一只眼睛。Your hat strconsumedgicingly dipped followed below one eye. your scarf. it was apricot.

杜仲黄酮、银杏黄酮和沙棘黄酮三者均富含槲皮素。The fact that quercetin is rich in Eucommia ulmoides, Gingkgo biloba and seabuckthorn flavonoids was found.

精选有机白牡丹茶,纯天然无污染,营养丰富。汤色杏黄明亮,口感清醇微甜,毫香鲜嫩持久。It is natural and unpolluted and has rich nutrition. It features bright apricot color, mild taste and soothing fragrance.

各种粉色,像杏黄、水红、桃红以及羞红,都是今年婚纱的时尚之选,可以让你的套装流露出浪漫的气息。Various pink shades, like apricot, hot pink, peach and blush are hip options for bridesmaid wear this year to help the overall look ooze a word of romance.

设计理念源自古代贵妇人的头罩,帘头的花边、灰绿的主布、杏黄的纱布,天衣无缝地相互配合,让空间充满异国情调。Originating from the hood of ancient noblewoman , the shade lancing, grey-green cloth and yellow gauze will obtain a harmonious assortment of exotic sensation.

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新出现的粉红、深红、粉蓝、深蓝、紫红、杏黄、黑色等色彩的坐便器,让消费者有了更多的选择机会。New occurrence pink, scarlet, pink is blue, deep the colorific such as blue, amaranthine , apricot yellow, black sits implement, let consumer have more choice opportunities.

目的观察银杏黄酮、银杏黄酮磷脂复合物对急性家兔血瘀证模型血液流变学与微循环的影响。Objective To observe the influence of the ginkgo flavone and the compounds of ginkgo flavone phospholipid to the blood rheology and microcirculation of the acute rabbit blood stasis model.

本课题以银杏黄酮提取物中的总黄酮、银杏黄酮和茶多酚为指标性活性成分代表,建立多指标的分析控制灵通胶囊产品质量的方法。The total flavonoids in Ginkgo flavonoids extraction, Ginkgo flavonoids and polyphenols as marks of active ingredients, establish a multi-indicator analysis to control Lingtong Capsule quality.