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国王驾崩,全国都下半旗志哀。All the flags were at half-mast when the king died.

马德里的旗帜降半旗志哀,并安排在中午进行一次默哀。Flags in Madrid flew at half-staff and a silent vigil was planned for noon.

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香港、澳门所有政府机构也将于15日下半旗志哀。All the government offices of Hong Kong and Macao will also lower flags Sunday.

本周大部分时间我们都在为受害者志哀,缅怀他们的生命。We properly spent much of the week mourning the victims and remembering their lives.

在敬献花圈后,美国海军陆战队员将降半旗志哀。Following the placement of the wreath, the marines will lower the flag to half staff.

在敬献花圈后,美国水师陆战队员将下半旗志哀。Following the placement of the wreath, the marines will lower the flag to half staff.

在敬献花圈后,美国海军陆战队员将降半旗志哀。Following the placement of the wreath, the marines will lower the flag to half staff.

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全国和驻外使领馆下半旗志哀。National flags flew at half-mast in public places, at Chinese embassies and at consulates.

例句汶川地震哀悼日全国降半旗志哀。Flags were at half mast everywhere on the day of mourning for victims of Wenchuan earthquake.

向死者志哀,为生者祈祷,并向抗震斗争中的英雄们致敬!Mourn the dead, prey for the living, at the same time, we salute heroes in quake-fighting battles!

约翰逊总统宣布,4月7日星期日那天为全国哀悼日,各地下半旗志哀。President Johnson declared Sunday, April 7, a national day of mourning, and all flags were flown at half mast.

尼日利亚代总统乔纳森已宣布,尼日利亚将为亚拉杜瓦的去世举行7天全国哀悼,各地降半旗志哀。The acting president Jonathan has announced the seven-day national mourning for the death of Yar'Adua, mourning over their flags.

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我们应该重新认识下半旗志哀的政治功能,完善相关的规定,充分发挥它的积极作用。We ought to recognize the political functions of flying flags at half-mast, to improve related rules and to develop the positive function of it.