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但这只是一个偏差。But it’s just a disjunction.

什么是偏差检测?What is deviation detection?

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谁有偏差的可能性Who has an incentive to deviate?

那么你会有负的偏差。So you can have negative deviations.

多次套印废品率高,色彩偏差大。High reject rate, Large color deviation.

生存偏差有多重要How important is this survivorship bias?

判断往往因利害关系而有偏差。The judgement is often biased by interest.

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保险公司也要面临选择性偏差They also have to deal with selection bias.

“误差”与“偏差”只是一字之差吗?。Do error and deviation differ only in words?

我们回到这里,一个简单的偏差值。Let's go back to where, a simpler bias here.

这对斯泰西来说是个有利的偏差吗So is this a profitable deviation for Stacy?

大多数例子都有让人难以忍受的偏差和错误。Most of it is flagrantly skewed or incorrect.

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错误理解ODC概念将导致偏差。Misunderstanding of ODC concepts leads to bias.

模型计算值与文献值基本吻合,平均偏差小于10%。The average deviation is lower than. 10 percent.

多次套印废品率高,色彩偏差大。Overprints, High reject rate, Large coldeviation.

这能够提高可解释性并减少偏差。This can improve interpretability and reduce bias.

也就是因为有痴暗的无明,所以人生的见解才会偏差。Due to ignorance, our views on life become deviant.

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多次套印废品率高,色彩偏差大。Overprints, High reject rate, Large color deviation.

把方向盘往右边转转,以便修正驾驶上的偏差。Turn the wheel to the right to correct the steering.

凡是定长远的计画都难免出偏差。Long-term planning is always rather a hit-or-miss affair.