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他是个慷慨激昂的演说者。He is a fervid orator.

无休止的慷慨激昂,无休止的戏谑挖苦。On and on the harangue went, an endless sport.

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然而,慷慨激昂的歌声也获得通过。However, the impassioned singing did get through.

慷慨激昂地攻击傲慢,并非谦逊的标志。It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride.

主张上述监管措施的倡导者同样慷慨激昂。Advocates of such regulatory measures are equally vehement.

他今天的慷慨激昂跟他在1993年的慷慨激昂没啥两样。His rants today aren't very different from his rants in 1993.

同时还有乐队伴奏,令场面更加慷慨激昂。A band march is accompanied to make the scence more memorable.

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奥巴马不负众望,他亲自撰写演讲稿,并发表了慷慨激昂的演说。Obama delivered the speech he wrote and published an impassioned speech.

一位同学对喝酒的好处做出了一次慷慨激昂的讲话。A classmate gave an impassioned speech on the benefits of drinking liquor.

这是中校在大学听证会上慷慨激昂的演讲。This is in the university hearing officer passionate strenuousness speech.

武人执之如握锤戟,划空击案,慷慨激昂。Taketo enforcement of such grip hammer Ji, zoned air-strike case, impassioned.

丹·斯科特,仅仅一个星期以前,我还听到你慷慨激昂地谈论了两个小时独立。Dan Scott, barely a week ago I heard you railed for two hours about independence.

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一番慷慨激昂的销售收不到效果后,他问他们从哪里来。After an impassioned sales talk yielded no results, he asked where they were from.

和当时许多慷慨激昂、充满战斗力量的抗战诗歌相比,它是属于另类的沉郁风格的诗。Compared with many impassioned and forceful anti-Japanese poems, it belongs to a different style—gloominess.

“战俘!”泰斯拉慷慨激昂。“为摄政王瑞金特的荣誉与更多而战的新鲜奴隶!”"Prisoners of war! " Tesla was haranguing . "New slaves to fight for the honor and increase of our Regent! "

产品的开发者给乔布斯写了一封慷慨激昂的信,几乎是在乞求乔布斯调解此事并允许保留产品的原名。The owner wrote an impassioned letter to Jobs practically begging him to intervene and allow the product to keep its name.

其他妇女被斯坦顿慷慨激昂的言辞所打动,同意将她关于妇女投票权问题的话写入那份清单里去。The other women, moved by Mrs. Stanton's fiery words, voted to add her statement on women's suffrage to their list of facts.

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其他的妇女被斯坦通那番慷慨激昂的言辞所打动,同意将妇女投票权问题议题列入那份清单里去。The other women, moved by Mrs. Stanton's fiery words, voted to add her statement on women's suffrage9 to their list of facts.

两国惯于归罪于人的政治家和慷慨激昂的民族主义者将进行近乎不可能实现的理性探讨。Finger-pointing politicians and chest-beating nationalists in the two nations will make rational discussion nearly impossible.

一个爱夸夸其谈的葡萄牙议员慷慨激昂维护小百姓一年只有一个晚上能痛快玩玩的权利。A bombastic portuguese legislatorgavean impassioned plea for the right of little people to have their fun just one night a year.