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水母没有大脑。Jellyfish have no brains.

咱们找到水母号啦,宝贝!We got the Aurelia, baby!

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多莉。那是一只水母!Dory . That's a jellyfish!

一个可能是水母。One candidate is the jellies.

许多水母都堪称尤物。A lot of jellyfish are lookers.

死水母甚至也会蛰人!Even dead jelly fish can sting!

水母利用漂流觅食。Jellyfishes rely on drifting to eat.

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你呀,迷你鱼,单挑那些水母。You, mini-man. Takin' on the jellies.

由于世界变暖,水母纷纷向北面漂游。Jellyfish swarm northward in warming world.

结果她的朋友被水母踅死了。Her friend is stung by a jellyfish and dies.

水母和海星都是没脑的。Jellyfish and starfish are both have no brain.

被水母蛰伤也可以用可口可乐来治疗。Coca Cola can be used to cure Jellyfish stings.

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一只狮鬃水母正在棕藻叶上休憩。A lion's mane jellyfish nestled in a kelp frond.

箱型水母是一种高度进化的水母。Box jellies are highly advanced among jellyfish.

具有细弱分支软水母亚目水螅体的一个属。Of, relating to, or characteristic of a hydroid.

长触须、扁身体的栉水母。Ctenophore have long tentacles and flattened body.

橙色太平洋水母像明星一样光彩照人。The orange Pacific sea nettle is radiant as a star.

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格蕾丝说,那是些属于水母的高空腔肠动物。Grace says they are AEROCOELENTERATES, genus MEDUSA.

狮鬃水母是冷水种类,能长到100英尺长。This cold-water species can reach over 100 feet long.

群集的水母覆盖了十平方英里水域。The swarming jellies covered 10 square miles of water.