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他是个佃农?Was he a sharecropper?

佃农对土地的使用权佃农拥有土地的法律使用权。The legal tenure by which a villein held land.

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他有一帮收益分成的佃农帮他干活儿。He has a bunch of sharecroppers working for him.

你们知道你们的佃农在1821年的情况。You know the state of your farming tenantry in 1821.

他们很多是佃农,但几乎人人都不只一份工作。Many are crofters, but nearly everyone has more than one job.

关于邪恶乡绅和土气佃农的传统传奇剧。The traditional melodrama of the wicked squire and rustic tenant.

有对佃农夫妇,他们有只能每天生出一颗金蛋的金鸡母。A cottager and his wife had a Hen, which laid every day a golden egg.

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永佃制是一种对社会有益的制度,它的产权结构对地主和佃农都提供了激励。Permanent tenancy is good for social, providing incentive for both landlords and tenants.

清后期陕南地区的地主-佃农经济和小农佃耕制度占据主导地位。In southern Shaanxi of late Qing Dynasty, landlord-tenant fanning was the dominant practice.

双层地权制之下,田面已经成为佃农的一项独立产权。Under the system, surface field has become an independent property-right of the rural tenants.

索尼娅·皮尔普斯的祖先也是老密西西比人,但他们家是种棉花的佃农。Sonia Peeples’s ancestors were longtime Mississippians, too, but they were sharecropping cotton.

戴维斯出生在现在已不存在镇榉木温泉,路易斯安那州,佃农的儿子。Davis was born in the now-nonexistent town of Beech Springs , Louisiana , the son of sharecroppers.

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收益分成的佃农是农村里的短工,通常是黑人,他们所得的报酬是收获的一小部分庄稼。Sharecroppers were farmhands, usually black, who were literally paid with a small share of the crops.

最终,美国将变成“小佃农经济”,那时候,美国人将为外国企业打工。The US could end up with a "sharecropper economy," where Americans largely work for foreign-owned firms.

他的田园诗中还出现了中国诗歌史上第一个佃农形象,具有开创性的意义。A first tenant farmer imaged in the idyllic poem of Fan Chengda, which has the groundbreaking significance.

但在摩纳哥,你每天都会感觉到自己生活在一个君主国家,仿佛你就是18世纪的一名佃农。But in Monaco you feel every day that you are living in a monarchy, as if you were an 18th-century peasant.

佃农为减轻地租而斗争,雇农的斗争则是为了改善劳动条件。The tenant struggled for the alleviation of conditions of rent, the worker for improvement of conditions of labor.

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佃农理论系统研究了分成租佃这种合约形式,并得出了分成租佃有效的结论。Cottier Theory systematically expounds the agreement form and arrives at such effective conclusion of farm tenancy.

这个佐治亚州佃农的儿子,忍受了无法言喻的屈辱和嘲讽,才成为第一位黑人棒球选手。This son of a Georgia sharecropper endured unspeakable indignities and taunts to become baseball's first black player.

在此背景下,中国劳工营于1916年秋正式成立,他们中的大部分人是山东的佃农,并同英军签有三年契约。Most were peasants from the province of Shantung in North China, who were indentured to the British army for three years.