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烦劳你非常感谢。Thank you ever so much.

他可能想躲避烦劳的工作。He might also want to avoid exhaustion.

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你最常遇到,最令你烦劳的问题是什么?What problem you suffer the most trouble?

这样将可以使我省掉一些烦劳。Would you mind taking a few books to him?

你最常遇到,最令你烦劳的问题是什么?What problem you will always meet or let you feel boring.

有谁还肯去做牛做马,背负着重担,在烦劳生活的压迫下呻吟和。Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life.

医生说,思虑和烦劳过度会导致心血暗耗。The doctor said anxiety, and stress may lead to compromised health.

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谁愿意负着这样的重担,在烦劳的生命的压迫下呻吟流汗。Who would these fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life.

已经有越来越多的人求助于瑜伽来舒缓现代生活的烦劳。It’s what more and more people have been turning to to ease the troubles of modern life.

也许人生的开始就是种错误,它是种悲伤的起初,主宰着你一生的烦劳和痛苦。Maybe the life is wrong, it is a kind of sad, dominate your life at the troubles and pain.

我英语不好,就不烦劳大家看了,所以要谢谢狐狸哼哼帮我翻成中文。I don't want to trouble you with my poor English, thanks to fax-hengheng to help me to translate into Chinese.

去加油站加油吗?当你可以将信用卡插入油泵而不用烦劳自己去跟他人接触时,干吗还要跟服务员问好呢?。Pumping gas at the station? Why say good-morning to the attendant when you can swipe your credit card at the pump and save yourself the both.

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把你的卧室变成没有烦劳的安静的绿洲,让生命的巨大潜力在清晨亲吻你的双眼!Turn your bedroom into a serene oasis where the worries of the day melt away, and the grand potentials of life greet your eyes in the morning.

励志名言和警句可以让我们从烦劳中振作,让我们有更大的勇气去追求自己的人生梦想。Inspirational quotes and motivational quotes have the power to get us through a bad week, and can even give us the courage to pursue our life's dreams.

单凭陛下要“再来一次”,已经使演员们深受荣宠,这对他们已经是足够的报酬,再用不着满足他们的虚荣,烦劳陛下费神去重看一遍了。The company would feel sufficiently rewarded and complimented in the mere fact that the encore was desired by his Majesty, without fatiguing him with a repetition to gratify their own vanity.