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他们都要受制于同样的问题。They are all grappling with the same issue.

啊,我的思绪如此杂乱无章,如此受制于回忆与往事。Ah, I'm so disorganized, so browbeaten by what I remember.

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“低能力者受制于其虚幻的优越感”。"low-ability individuals suffer from illusory superiority".

他们受制并服从于这个超神的领域。They are bound by, they're subservient to, this metadivine realm.

而且这个行业在很大程度上受制于市场因素。And also the profession is very much at the mercy of the market place

但是如果你重组的是可征税的经纪账户,你就会受制于收税。If it’s a taxable brokerage account, then you will be subject to taxes.

这些代码片段不受制于任何代码管理或生命周期流程。These snippets are not subject to any code management or life-cycle process.

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金融活动受制于地方法律和语言,外国人常常对此感到困惑不解。Activity was--confusingly for foreigners--governed by local laws and language.

这个诗人,弗罗斯特,终究还是受制于地心引力,受制于地球的力量。The poet, after all, is subject to gravity in Frost, to the force of the earth.

一直说艾辛要上场上场,可一个月来他一直受制于膝伤的困扰。Essien was playing his first match for a month, a knee injury having kept him out.

是的,很多人都受制于以往的选择,但我们无法逃避作出选择。Yes, many are constrained by previous choices, but we are unable to escape choice.

伟大的建筑师要受制于物理材料、时间和成本。Great architects work within the constraints of physical materials, time, and cost.

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除此之外,资料封包也受制于分享网路的延迟典型特性。In addition, the data packets are subject to the delays typical of shared networks.

如上所述,投票曾经是,而且在大部分程度上仍然是,受制于州的法律。As noted above, voting was, and for the most part still is, controlled by state law.

他说,该目标不“具有国际约束力或受制于国际确认”。It is not, he said, "internationally binding or subject to international verification".

我会说亚洲地区的决策官员当前更为关切通胀议题.我认为他们的确'意识到了',但在因应这些事务上的速度及积极程度受制于一些政治上的僵固性.I would say policymakers in the region are much more concerned about inflation right now.

当你对行动的结果焦躁不安,整个人受制于这情绪时,怎麽办呢?When you're in the grip of feverishness about the result of your actions, what do you do?

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她们的一生常常受制于礼数教条,自由遥不可及。With life often limited by rules and restrictions freedom for women was a rare commodity.

小斯的进攻是受制于投篮、跑动、快攻、还有挡拆战术的执行。His offense is limited to shooting, running the fastbreak and executing the pick-and-roll.

贸易商表示,与稀土元素相比,全球对稀有金属的需求不那么受制于中国。In comparison with earths, demand for minor metals is less beholden to China, traders say.