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金圣叹的评点对后人的影响也是显而易见的。The influence of he to posterity is clear.

李贽是中国古典文学的评点家。Lizhi is a literature critic of the Chinese classical literature.

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具有评点、抒发、揭示的功能。He has function which critically punctuates, expresses, promulgates.

刘氏小说评点在修辞学史上的开创意义不容忽视。The opening significance of Liu's novel annotations can not be overlooked.

真氏评点中的公文理论值得我们深入探讨。The document theory in Dexiu-Zhen's annotation deserves to research deeply.

所以,就是这些了,以下是我对经济政策的评点So, such as they are here are my recommendations for changes to our economic policy

“章法”是明清小说评点家从传统“小学”引进的结构概念。It is imported by Ming-Qing scholars of novel critique from the Chinese linguistics.

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传统小说批评文体主要为评点、评传、序跋、书信等。The traditional novel criticism style includes critical article, preface, and letters.

他们对小说文本进行了多角度、全方位的研究,但是对评点的研究还稍显欠缺。They research the novel from various angles, a full range, but lack slightly on the criticism.

因此,中国小说评点派诸家对古代小说的功能问题多有议论,且不乏真知灼见。So critics discussed the functions in ancient novels a lot and got many penetrating judgements.

但由于它对小说的曲意附会,其评点文字并未像删改过的文本那样流播后世。But its comments don't spread so widely as the amended text because it distorts meaning of the novel.

第三、四部分论述张竹坡小说评点之创作论与接受论中的主体间性。The third and four parts states Mr. Zhang's creation theory and accept theory medium of intersubjectivity.

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中国的八字风水也是从易经出来的以点为时空切入而进行轨迹评点的方式方法,也是阴阳之理的一种表述。The Ba-Zi and Feng-Shui are the means of random point from Yi-Jing, as well as a description of Yin-Yang Theory.

其次是朋友之间的分送赠阅、作序评点或阅读交流。The communication of There were sometimes leisurely to be reposed was second reading and criticism and exchange.

考究张竹坡、文龙二人的小说评点话语歧异,对反讽文法的参透程度当为影响二人评点话语差异的一个重要原因。Judged from the differences between Zhang's and Wen's, the critical reason maybe the grammars of Irony and Satire.

路透社的报道评点说,45岁的米歇尔入住白宫后成为全球认可的时尚偶像。Reuters report noted that the 45-year-old has wowed the world as a fashion icon after moving into the White House.

来到野外,我就希望过野外简单的生活,来到野外,并非为评点绿篱与黑牛。When I am in the country, I wish to vegetate like the country. I am not for criticizing hedgerows and black cattle.

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路透社的报道评点说,45岁的米歇尔入住白宫后成为全球认可的时尚偶像。A Reuters report noted that the 45-year-old has wowed the world as a fashion icon after moving into the White House.

“文法”理论是金圣叹文学评点的核心理论,有着深远的理论渊源。The theory on writing is the core in Jin Shengtan's literature commentary theory. It has far-reaching theory origins.

关于诗歌评点,方氏提出了词语修辞的基本要求,论述了响字说、虚字说。Fanghui discusses words of Sonorant, functional words, and puts forward basic demands about rhetoric of words in poetry.