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我特此保留我的评断。I hereby reserve my judgment.

我们时常通过一点点信息来评断一个人。Too often we judge people on too little information.

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不要妄加评断我,你看到的,只是我选择让你看到的。Don't judge me. You only see what I choose to show you.

我正在找寻两者之间的评断标准。What I am looking for, some criterion judging between them.

或许我们自己看一下电视剧,就自然会有评断了。Maybe we just have a look at the TV play, then we can judge by ourselves.

单纯的倾听,不要参杂评断、批评和解决问题的暗示。Listen without judgement, criticism or handy hints to solving the problem.

我们时常通过一点点信息来评断一个人。Learn the art of empathy. Too often we judge people on too little information.

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压力通常来自对身外事物过于在意,同时也过于在意别人的评断。Pressure usually stems from caring too much about externals and other people's opinion.

盖棺论定时,不会算你活了多少年,而在评断你在这些年中过的是什麽样人生。And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

如果我们判断一件东西,是根据此一物件自己的标准来评断,那麽这个世界就无所谓大,也无所谓小了。If we judge a thing by its own standard, then there is no big and small in this world. To us, whale is big.

萨基尔协助我们怀有对自己与他人的慈悲和同理心,并释放愤怒、评断与仇恨。Zadkiel helps us hold mercy and compassion toward ourselves and others, and let go of anger, judgement and hatred.

意即,他如何从对海、音乐、爱情、友情、挑战的诠释中评断自己生命的价值。It analyses the main actor how he judges himself by the meanings of the sea, music, love, friendship, and the challenge.

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这个课程将提供学生机会,以批判性的方式评断众多研究计画的适当性与科学价值。This course offers students opportunities to critically evaluate the adequacy and scientific merit of research protocols.

她除了工作严谨、仔细认真外,我还注意到她做出评断并付诸行动的速度都是非常快的。While being thorough and meticulous in her work, I noticed that she was also extremely quick in her evaluation and action.

他们只是按古往今来一般的价值标准去评断人。他们不算修行完备的人,只能算是与俗相应的俗人罢了。They appraise a man by the common standard of all ages. They are not men of perfect practice. They just are peers of the common.

其内容包括不停的评断别人,评论发生的事情,制定计划,八卦以及臆想和他人聊心事。There is a constant judging of people, commenting on what is going on, planning, gossiping, and mental conversations with people.

我的努力你看得到,全篇翻译,靠您的认识可以评断是否是用心手工翻译。I believe you can see my efforts, total translation, rely on your knowledge, you can judge whether I translated it by self or not.

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他给予提升力量、评断、责备、比较、竞争、无力感、劣等和优势。It gives rise to power trips, judgments, blame, comparison, competition, and issues of powerlessness , inferiority and superiority.

当我们第一次接触某一组论点时,我们应先评断它们的价值,这也是我们所有人在后半生都要做的。In our first contact with a set of propositions, we commence by appreciating their importance. That is what we all do in after-life.

你的面试和简历也提供了关于你的重要信息,所以这些测试不会是评断你的最高指标。Your interview and CV also provide important information about you, so your tests results will not represent the be all and end all.