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我喜欢风格泼辣的文章。I like essays with an acrid flavour.

被认为是不名誉的或泼辣的女人。A woman regarded as disreputable or shrewish.

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他们语言的尖锐泼辣是不恰当的。The saltiness of their language was inappropriate.

索尔特和佩帕是两个来自皇后区的精明泼辣的女孩。Salt and Peppa are two streetwise and sassy girls from Queens.

近几年里,我也从未看到戈林如此生气勃勃、大胆泼辣。I too had not seen Goering so dynamic and bold in recent years.

就像他们的食物一样,四川人刚直而泼辣。And just like their food, people of Sichuan are straight and spicy too.

从某些方面来说,有一个泼辣的妻子,也可以看作是一种可以忍受的福气。A termagant wife may, in some respects, be considered a tolerable blessing.

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杂文笔锋犀利、言语泼辣,读来让人倍感爽快。Essay writing, speech and vigorous, sharp read to make people feel refreshing.

我过去不知道像那样地说话会让我多么地泼辣和愤怒。I hadn't realized how shrewish and angry I had felt as a result of speaking like that.

她运用自己泼辣的个性来取得她所想要的,同时她也逼迫他人听从自己的意见。She used her shrewish personality to get what she wanted and forced people to listen to her.

校正传统英雄观,泼辣处可供拍案,而精密处则足堪深思。Calibration traditional hero view, provocative place, and fine place for amaze is decent thoughtful.

李敖给我的感觉是一个个性张扬、敢说敢作敢为、文辞犀利泼辣的人。Although we may be nobody now, but no one could dare to say that we can't become somebody in the future.

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性格内向,气质独特坚强,个性爽直泼辣。Introverted nature, peculiarly firm disposition, frank and vigorous individuality, are what you possess.

有人说,个人生活大胆泼辣的麦姐很难和好妈妈联系在一起。Some people say that the personal life of Michael shrewish sister bold and difficult to link a good mother.

在吸收了浙派纵放泼辣笔墨的同时避免了过分简单和狂燥。Che School in the absorption of the ink is placed vertically, while avoid the pungent simplistic and fidget.

两位作者的通信用一种尖锐、泼辣、深刻、沉稳的论战风格写成,别具一格。The letters between the authors are written in a unique style of satire, pungency, profundity and steadiness.

这赵王氏可是十里八乡有名的泼辣货,谁也惹不起。This Wang Shi is ten insides 8 country renowned malicious merchandise, who also challenge not provoke to ange.

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九层糕描述一位性格泼辣、强悍的九层糕工厂管工,人称肥婆。Nine layer cake describe a personality provocative, tough nine layer cake plumber, says fertilizer factory shiva.

人们只见到这个沉静而泼辣能干之女人奔波于全国各地——为她患脊髓灰质炎致残的丈夫充当手和脚。They saw only the cool, efficient woman who dashed around the country-the arms and legs of polio-impaired husband.

艾玛红毯上的颠覆形象,厚重的烟熏妆和皮夹克,这个泼辣的风格很讨人喜欢!Emma changed up her look for this red carpet event, with heavy kohl smokey eye make-up and in a leather jacket. We love her vixen style!