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我们这个病人没有输精管。Our patient has a blind vas deferens.

利用输精管结扎的公猪,可使过程简单化。Use v. boars to simplify the process.

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熟悉输精管的行程和分部。Know the course and parts of the deferent ducts.

输精管自阴囊引出,进入腹腔。This tube leads from the scrotum into the abdomen.

输精管切除术恰恰切断的就是这根管道。It is this vas deferens that is cut in a vasectomy.

对于男性来讲,输精管结扎术是唯一的绝育手术。For men vasectomy is the only option for sterilization.

注入是通过特殊的针筒进入输精管。Risug is injected through special syringes into the vas deferens.

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男性避孕目前仅能靠保险套或输精管结扎手术。Condoms or a vasectomy are still the only male contraceptive choices.

附睾尾部及输精管壶腹部是贮存精子的场所。The tail and epididymis vasectomy pot belly is the place of storage sperm.

NPY样免疫反应神经元位于大白鼠输精管粘膜固有层内。NPY immunoreactive neurons were observed in the lamina propria of vas deferens.

进入近端输精管内的精子被支撑在一种嗜酸性基质中。Sperms entering the proximal vas deferens are supported in an eosinophilic matrix.

目的探讨同种异体睾丸移植中吻合输精管动脉的临床意义。Objective To explore the clinical significance of anastomosing vas deferens artery.

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应用透射电镜观察了兔输精管上皮细胞和平滑肌细胞。The epithelial cells and the smooth cells of rabbit vas deferens were observed by TEM.

孩子们总喜欢提及你们的秘密——包括金钱、宗教信仰、政治观点,甚至输精管结扎。Kids dish on your secrets all the time--money, religion, politics, even Dad's vasectomy.

无输精管及其动静脉损伤,无髂腹下神经和髂腹股沟神经损伤。There was no damnifications of spermaduct, iliohypogastric nerve and ilioinguinal nerve.

一个外科手术,把男人阴囊内的输精管切断,使得其失去生育能力。Surgery, performed on a man's vas deferens inside the scrotum, which renders him infertile.

动脉有睾丸动脉、输精管动脉及提睾肌动脉。Artery has spermary artery, seminiferous duct artery and artery of the flesh that carry Gao.

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用超声波冲击睾丸能否成为输精管切除术的价廉、非侵入的替代方式?COULD zapping testicles with ultrasound provide a cheap, non-invasive alternative to vasectomy?

引起死精症的主要原因是附性腺和输精管的炎症。Cause dead sperm disease is the main reason of the gonads and inflammation of the vas deferens attached.

既然它能够很容易定位,它也就很容易在绝育手术中被切断,这便是输精管结扎术。Since it is so easily located, it can also easily be cut in a sterilization operation known as a vasectomy.