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祖母已78岁,上年纪了。Grandmother is 78 and getting along.

尽管我妈妈上年纪了,她依然有光滑的皮肤。Though my mother is old, she still has smooth skin.

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贵公司会否雇用上年纪的雇员?。Does your company have a practice to employ old age workers?

许多上年纪的老人都喜欢在新年钟声敲响那一刻祝告。Many old people like to pray when the New Year's bell rings.

据最新的科学研究表明,上年纪的人也需要充足的睡眠。Older people need just as much sleep, according to a new study.

祖母上年纪了,耳朵已经听不清了。Grandmother is getting along and doesn't hear too well any more.

大多数父母希望他们的子女在自己上年纪之前完婚。Most parents want to get their children off before they grow old.

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琼斯先生上年纪的时候,将把生意交给他的儿子。When Mr. Jones gets old, he will hand over his business to his son.

迪安出生于1912年2月12日,是邮船上年纪最小的乘客。Born on February 12, 1912, Dean was the youngest passenger on board.

的确,一些人不情愿使用避孕套是因为上年纪后,性功能出现的问题。True, some reluctance to use condoms concerns sexual functioning as people age.

一位年轻父亲问一位上年纪的邻居,父母亲应该如何严格对待自己的孩子。A young father asked an elderly neighbor how strict parents should be with their children.

它不光是为上年纪的人设计的,而是为所有人设计的。This is not just a device made for the elderly, but it was designed with all of society in mind.

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虽然许多上年纪的人仍然会说土生的苗语,但最年轻的一代却只会说英语。While many elders still speak the native Hmong language, the youngest have replaced it with English.

我们询问了疗养院里上年纪的乡亲和老人,但没人记得”。We've been asking some of our elderly folks and people in the nursing home and nobody seems to remember.

他往前刚走了一会儿,就有一个上年纪的牧师,骑着一匹灰色的骡马,一路信口哼着小调,迎着面儿走来。Presently he was met by an elderly parson stride on a gray mare, who, as he rode, hummed a wandering tune.

在那里,有个上年纪的女病人正独自坐在轮椅上,低垂着头,背对着其余大部分人。There an elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair, alone, head bowed, her back to most of the others.

那便是1940年的我-在纽约pennsyl-vania火车站上年纪最小、最瘦弱的行李工。That was me in 1940-the youngest and smallest baggage boy at New York City's Pennsyl-vania Railway Station.

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就在生存的机会逐渐变小,抽中死签的可能性达到八分之一时,一个叫做勒诺特的上年纪的职员抽中了第二张死签。The chances had narrowed to one in eight when the elderly clerk —his name was Lenotre—drew the second slip.

这父亲,为什么会死得那么早,为什么还没有上年纪,还没有享受公平的待遇,还没有得到他儿子一天的孝养,便死去了呢!Why had his father died so early, before his time, before the justice, the love of his son had come to him?

也许单只是女性身体在上年纪后对慢性病和机能丧失有更好的耐受力。It may be simply that the female body is better able to tolerate chronic illnesses and disabilities as it ages.