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绵亘不断的细雨,勾起我对你的挂念。The continuous rain , recmy missing for you.

就连妈妈也不会叫我忘了绵亘在眼前的难题。Even my mother won't let me forget about what lies ahead.

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美国科罗拉多州,成行成排的冬小麦绵亘不绝。Rows of winter wheat wind their way to the Colorado horizon.

钝厚的流质绵亘长期,而你我,被冲散在其中,相思无绝期。Blunt rolling thick liquid eternal, but you and I, were dispersed in which period of Acacia leaves.

四十个海子沿山谷绵亘五公里,幅员三平方公里。With 40 lakes which extend five kilometers along a valley, the spot covers an area of three square kilometers.

英格兰西南部绵亘着许多低矮而葱郁的山丘,它们的面貌千百年来未曾改变。In the south-west of England there are many long, low, grassy hills, which have not changed their appearance for centuries.

哦,祖国,涓涓流贯的河川是你飘逸的长发,绵亘悠久长的山岳是你硬朗的脊梁。Oh, mother, trickling flow of the river is always flowing your long hair, a long long mountain is the backbone of your tough.

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“天人合一”的哲学思想是绵亘中国数千年的主导文化,内涵深邃而丰富,蕴涵于儒、道、佛的思想领域之中。The philosophic thought"The Unity of Man and Nature"is the leading culture that has extended in China for thousands of years.

它在举目远眺欲把目光穿越万水千山,轻柔地落在远方那一条蜿蜒绵亘的涔涔小溪中吗?It overlooks want to look at look through the lakes to gently fall on the distance that a winding creek Stretching the Cencen it?

进入博物馆大厅,迎面巨幅照片向人们展现出奔腾咆哮的黄河和绵亘无垠的黄土高原。Into the hall of the museum, in the face of huge photographs to show people Pentium Miangen roar of the Yellow River and the vast loess plateau.

大堡礁绵亘于澳大利亚海岸,是世界著名的自然奇观,也是潜水爱好者的天堂。The Great Barrier Reef, located off the coast of Australia, is one of the better known natural wonders of the world and a favorite of underwater divers.

这绵亘山脉的至高点——奥林匹斯山就是众神的家,宙斯作为众神和人类之父统治着这里,众神们每天都生活得幸福快乐。On the culminating point of the range, Mt Olympus, was bathed in bliss and brightness the home of the gods, where Zeus ruled as the father of gods and men.

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绵亘千年的瓯越文化催生了温州人“敢为天下先”的开拓精神,滋养了温州经济社会的繁荣与发展。The longstanding Ouyue culture has nurtured Wenzhouese pioneering spirit and contributed to Wenzhou's rapid social and economic development and prosperity.

这里仙华山余脉横贯,群山绵亘,溪流纵横,生态资源得天独厚。This land is endowed with rich and unique natural resources with ranges of Kuaiqi Mountain traversing, mountains stretching and streams crossing with one another.

丝绸之路绵亘远长,西至印度王国,东到中国现在的西安,早在公元前三世纪,丝绸之路就已经成为了亚洲交通的十字路口。Extending as far as the Indian kingdoms in the west, to present-day Xian in China in the east, the Silk Road was already a crossroads of Asia by the third century B.C.

在地壳中一些柔弱地带往往较易受地壳运动剧烈而产生褶皱隆起,而造成绵亘的山脉,世界上许多山脉就是这样形成的。In the crust some weak areas often more susceptible to intense crustal movement and fold uplift caused by stretching, the mountains, many of the world's mountains is formed.

中国的这一部分有许多山脉,一座又一座绵亘千里,由西向东伸展,把土地分隔成一个个山峦环抱的高原和盆地,其中河流一向不通大海。This other China has many mountain ranges, thousand kilometre long chains stretching from west to east dividing the land into enclosed plateaus and basins whose rivers never reach any sea.

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喀什地区三面环山,一面敞开,北有天山南脉横卧,西有帕米尔高原耸立,南部是绵亘东西的喀喇昆仑山,东部为一望无垠的塔克拉玛干大沙漠。Gulf-shaped region, open, a north side lies, west south veins heaven standing, southern is a pamirs plateau, the search for what the eastern practically unpatrolled karakoram taklamakan big desert.