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三个反足细胞是短命的。Three antipodal cells are ephemeral.

他出二十法郎买了那身短命衣。He paid twenty francs for the cast-off garments.

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它可能是西班牙史上最短命的上市公司。It may be Spain's most short-lived public company.

这个短命的政府只存在了100天。This short-lived government only existed for 100 days.

武力是可以什么都征服,但是它的胜利却是短命的。Force is all-conquering, but its victories are short-lived.

拉拉在民营企业的职业生涯就这样短命地结束了。The short life in private company for Lala’s career is over.

短命植物的根系可分为须根型、主根型和侧根型。Their root systems included fibrous, tap and lateral root type.

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但是他在这个国家的民主实验是短命的。But the country's experiment in democracy was to be short-lived.

叛军曾经在杜塞尔多夫建立了短命的分裂政府。For a brief moment rebels set up a separatist government in Dusseldorf.

七月十四鬼门开,短命饿死不吃斋。July 14 ghosts door open, short-lived starve not vegetarian dish called jai.

炭黑是一种“短命”颗粒,在全球范围内处于一种永恒运动状态。Black carbon, a short-lived particle, is in perpetual motion across the globe.

勃鲁宁政权是一个过渡性的、短命的政权,在劫难逃。Brüning's regime is a transitional, short-lived regime, preceding the catastrophe.

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然而,如果人民币开始向下移动,那么这个掌声肯定是短命的。If the yuan, however, begins to move down, that applause is sure to be short-lived.

1978年,她加入了演员的短命熙山楂连续剧剥离,喜山楂蜂蜜。In 1978, she joined the cast of the short-lived Hee Haw sitcom spinoff, Hee Haw Honeys.

最后,欲望关系的一大特征是短命。One final characteristic of a lustful relationship is that it is typically short lived.

而此短命的联盟只是为给神权政治在缔造时带上世俗面具服务的。The short-lived alliance served only to put a secular face on the theocracy in the making.

但是,密歇根大学的新研究结果认为,男性可以把自己的短命,部分地归咎于妇女。But new U of M research says men can blame their shorter life spans on women, well sort of.

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最后,自相残杀的价格战导致中国药品品牌的短命。Finally, the fratricidal price wars led to the short-lived brand of Pharmaceuticals in China.

短命的婚姻闪电般地破裂,我还失业了,成了一个艰难的单身母亲。An exceptionally short-lived marriage had imploded , and I was jobless, a lone parent, and as poo.

所有帝国之交,以相对短命的企业,最后出卖自己的科目。All empires turn out to be relatively short-lived enterprises that finally betray their own subjects.