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那么,哪些人将成为首当其冲的受害者?And who will bear the brunt of these cuts?

出现险情时,这支部队总是首当其冲。This unit always bears the brunt of any danger.

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在新闻的“四大公害”中,首当其冲的是虚假新闻。Among the four pollutions, fake report comes first.

在缅甸战役中,印军首当其冲。Indian troops bore the brunt of the Burma campaigns.

在所有自然疗法中,原谅首当其冲。Forgiveness stands first of all other natural remedies.

较低的自尊是折磨女性首当其冲的因素。Low self-esteem has become the number-one issue plaguing women.

首当其冲的是缺少现实基础,譬如网恋。The fisrt and foremost one is no basis in reality, such as net love.

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首当其冲的是房租,其次就是猫粮。The first is the house rent! effectively as the second is the cat food.

那些首当其冲下岗的人员往往是那些价值贡献最少的人员。The first people to go are usually those who contribute the least value.

通货膨胀率达到了25个月以来的新高,而食品价格首当其冲。Inflation is now running at a 25-month high, with food leading the charge.

越来越多的泥土流入长江,土地变得贫瘠,农民首当其冲。And more soil in the river means less on the land, which means poorer farmers.

所有的人群都是脆弱的,但穷人首当其冲,受到的影响最大。All populations are vulnerable, but the poor are the first and the hardest hit.

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失望的海盗船继续骚扰,并在整个首当其冲。Disappointed pirates continued to sail together and harass throughout Carolinas.

这些误解中,首当其冲的是以为生命科学是学术领域的事情。The first of these is that life sciences should be the realm of academics alone.

在投资者消除资产风险时,贱金属首当其冲。Base metals in particular have borne the brunt of investors de-risking portfolios.

打破土地集体所有制是中国1979年首当其冲的主要改革之一。Breaking up collective farms was one of the first major reforms attempted in 1979.

首当其冲,有着雄厚资金实力与政治阅历的便是米特罗姆尼了。Standing at the head of this queue, flush with cash and experience, is Mitt Romney.

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赶场的内容可谓丰富多彩,生意买卖自然首当其冲。The fair was rich and colorful in content, of which trading was the most important.

首当其冲的是一个长期以来的争论,那就是关于谁有权利占有哪块地的问题。The first is a long-running argument about who has the right to what piece of land.

在气候变化影响的诸环境系统中,冰冻圈首当其冲。In the Enviromental systems effected by climate change, cryosphere is on the first place.