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他不懂,我知。可说与谁谁又愿详解?He does not know, I know. To say and who may explain?

包括了中文和英文两种语言的详解。Includes both Chinese and English languages Detailed.

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下面专家为您详解前列腺自我按摩方法。Experts for you below prostate self massage method, sep.

本周我们将详解2009十大拯救电影。This week we feature our 10 Most Redeeming Films of 2009.

设置和使用优化概要文件详解How to set up and use an optimization profile, step by step

我会对他们一一详解,然不包括怎么去画。And, we'll tell you all you need to know except for how to draw them.

他们不能集中注意力,弄明白书中的一张图片详解,因为需要慢慢仔细查看。They can't concentrate on the plat in a book because it's moving too slowly.

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但是这需要发现和详解所有的真理,这太难了。But that need find all truth and solve all truth in detail, it is too difficult.

老师虽然告诉大家那道题的答案,但没有说明详解。The teacher gave them the answer to that question without an adequate explanation.

甚至可以使用工程方程求解器EES来详解子问题。It is even possible to use the Engineering Equation Solver EES to specify sub-problems.

空间几何体练习题及答案详解。The space geometry experiences and observes exercise and the answer detailed explanation.

能否请您根据记账分录,详解说明每一笔交易的背景或内容。Could you kindly comment the background or content of transaction journal-entry one by one?

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为了详解这两个巨大的新型工具,我们采访了前苹果公司工程师、大型数据发烧友彼得·沃登。To break down these heavy new tools, we spoke with former Apple engineer and big-data geek Pete Warden.

讨论临床病例。专家将对不同技术手段面临的困难、不足和局限性进行详解。Discussions around practical cases. Experts will explain difficulties, pitfalls and limitations in the use of different techniques.

再次上课时暄说答案是政治,并且详解了自己的理解,可炎却说答案是眼皮,也透彻的分析了自己的见解。Xuan said the answer is that the political class again, and your own understanding, can be said the answer is eyelid, also thorough analysis.

这章将用缺省的安全策略设置安全,但是我认为把这章标为安全策略详解更为合适。This chapter will use the default security policy to setup the security, but will clearly mark the sections that are security policy specific.

在理论研究基础上,对司法会计鉴定程序及方法做出陈述,并通过具体案例的分析详解了六类鉴定技术方法。On the basis of theoretical research, this thesis describes the judicial appraises procedures and methods, the one to be analyzed by specific cases.

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这一点我就不费时详解了,因为我们之前已经详细讨论过,我们从之前的课堂上学到,人会对他人慷慨。And so, I'm not going to spend any time on this because we've discussed it in detail, but we know from previous lectures that people will be generous to others.

这部份有此课之摘要。老师会在课堂上利用空白部分来详解题目与概念。This section contains lecture outlines for the course. The instructor uses the blank spaces in these outlines to work through problems and concepts during class.

随着我对细节的详解,当我解释整个事业长久而自动运转的本质时,我察觉到他们的脑子在动而且目光开始发亮。As I unpack the details, I see the cogs turning in their mind and their eyes start to light up as I explain the perpetual and automated nature of the whole business.