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随后录音被誊写出来作为分析的依据。Then the recordings were transcribed as the base for analysis.

来稿须誊写清楚、用字规范、内容属实。The copy should be clear, with correct characters and true content.

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讲稿是以课堂作业的形式由学生所誊写。Scribe notes are latex transcriptions by students as part of class work.

她草草做了些笔记,但后来错误的誊写在练习本上了。She jotted down a few notes, but later mistranscribed them into an exercise book.

它现在被保存在位于提希特的阿伯艾尔·穆米图书馆,以书写精美的安达卢西亚文字誊写。It is now in the Abd Al-Mu'min library in Tichitt, copied in fine Andalusi calligraphy.

这个压扁的符号让誊写者用单笔划结束书信。The compressed symbol allowed the transcriber to complete the letter in a single stroke.

三行碑文被不同方式誊写和诠释。The three lines of the inscription have been transcribed and interpreted in various ways.

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认证前文件文件已经誊写但尚未认证的状态。Pre-Authenticated Document A status in which a document is transcribed but not authenticated.

很多门生乃至不能欣赏繁体汉字,更别提誊写了。Many students can't even read, not to mention write, traditional full-form Chinese characters.

一定要在听力考试部分结束时听到提示后再将答案誊写到答题卡上。DO transfer your answers to the answer sheet only when you are told to do so at the end of the test.

在阅读考试结束后,是否还有额外的10分钟可以用来誊写答案?Is there a similar period of ten minutes at the end of the Reading exam for the transfer of answers?

该集团招募了24个志愿者读者负责音频材料,并12个志愿者誊写盲文。For audio material, the group uses 24 volunteer readers. For Braille, there are 12 volunteer transcribers.

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将自己脑海里那些模糊不清的思想摘下来,细心收割那些经由筛选,推敲,誊写出来的思考成果。The vague idea picked from the mind, and selected those harvest carefully, refine, transcribed from thinking results.

所有的听力题目历时30分钟,最后10分钟留给考生将答案誊写到答题纸上。All of this takes about 30 minutes. For the final ten minutes candidates transfer their answers onto the answer sheet.

你可以重新誊写或重新输入课堂笔记,这可以帮你理解课程内容。You may want to re-write or re-type your notes from class. This will help you to understand what the lesson was about.

在公元80年,皇令誊写出现错误,其结果是被皇帝宽恕的人处以死刑。D. 80 an error was made in the copying of an edict, as a result of which a person given an imperial pardon was executed.

借助歌曲学习英语的最好方法之一便是反复收听一首歌曲,试着将歌词誊写出来。One of the best ways to learn English through songs is to listen to the song several times and try to write down the lyrics.

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达尔文一生都有在衣服口袋里装硬皮小笔记本的习惯,他过后会将记在小笔记本上的想法和观察记录誊写到大一些的笔记本中。All his life Darwin carried small hard notebooks in his pocket, later transcribing thoughts and observations into larger books.

我们将恢复到我们一贯的政策,不会提前宣告会期而是一旦誊写就立马发表。We will be reverting to our policy of not announcing sessions in advance, but will publish them as soon as they are transcribed.

在密尔沃基公共图书馆的中环店,大量誊写员和技术人员使盲文存活下来。At the central branch of the Milwaukee Public Library, a remarkable collection of transcribers and technicians keeps Braille alive.