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这一举动对他们将意味着什么?What did this act mean to them?

橡树的跌倒非一举之功。An oak is not felled at one stroke.

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我的部队奇袭该城,并一举攻下。My troops swooped down on the city.

白棋一举得到两个白王。White took a shot to get two kings.

这一举动另欧文非常沮丧。It was a demoralising blow for Owen.

嗯。一举三得。Yeah. A choice serves three purposes.

同时,拉脱维亚和爱沙尼亚也不满这一举动,这两个国家在苏联时期接收了大量的苏联移民,因此不愿采取剧烈的变革。It also displeased Estonia and Latvia.

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约翰一举赢了一场双打和两场单打。John collected a double and two singles.

一举把“四人帮”捉拿归案。Catching the " Gang of Four " at one stroke.

一举越过了你僵冷的反映。You've reached beyond your cold reflections.

这一举措将会把2000个职位调离上海。The action will move 2, 000 jobs out of Shanghai.

定下一个洗衣日,然后一举洗好脏衣服。Designate a laundry day and do it all in one swoop.

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但到了1992年11月,他在大选中脱颖而出,一举夺魁。In November 1992, he won the presidential election.

3艘入侵军舰被一举击沉。Three invading battleships were sunk at one stroke.

他奋力一举,举起了205公斤重的杠铃。He strained and raised the barbell of 205 kilograms.

蒙若女士称这一举动令人失望。Ms Munro described the move as "very disappointing".

我只知道我无法克制自己不去关注你的一举手一投足。I just know I can't help caring for every act of yours.

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星巴克这一举动可能会促成咖啡市场新格局。Starbucks' move has the potential to reshape the market.

新华社的这一举措仅仅是中国传媒计划的一部分。Xinhua’s move is just one of several planned by Beijing.

你的一举,一颦,一笑,一皱眉,我记在心头。You move, a pin, a smile, frown, I remember in my heart.