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雨把尘土变成了软泥。Rain turns dust into mud.

尘土薰红了眼。The dust has filled my eye.

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子弹把尘土打得噗噗直冒烟。Bullets whipped up the dust.

街上积了厚厚一层尘土。Dust lay thick in the street.

雨水很快荡涤了空中飞扬的尘土。The rain quickly laid the dust.

最初落下来的是大颗大颗的水珠,扑扑地打在尘土里。Thee first drops of rain are huge.

宽阔的石阶上尘土飞扬。Dust swirled on the broad stairway.

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小华睡在尘土里。The little flower lies in the dust.

我用软布擦去了灯上的尘土。I dusted the lamp with a soft cloth.

她打掉外套上的尘土。She knocks the dust out of her coat.

尘土盖满了小镇的主街。Dust carpeted the town's main street.

风吹得尘土飞扬。The dust was blown about by the wind.

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一团团的尘土打着旋儿,在空中飞扬。The swirling dust floated in the sky.

一阵疾风吹起了地上的尘土。A strong wind blew dust on the ground.

吹散的尘土堆积在窗台上。Blown soil mounded on the window sill.

我的心静静坐着,不要扬起尘土。My heart sit still, do not raise dust.

风给洗过的衣物盖上一层尘土。The wind coated the washing with dust.

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当你摔倒时,拍去尘土,别停下来。If you fall, dust it off, don't let up.

这匹马用蹄子刨街上的尘土。The horse pawed the dust of the street.

龙尘土飞扬,影响会造成??什么样的车?Long dusty, effects will cause what car?