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随后,伯克利莎草开始不停地长啊,长啊。Then the Berkeley Sedge grew, and grew.

欧洲的一种莎草,具有小的、可食用的坚果状块茎。European sedge having small edible nut like tubers.

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宾夕法尼亚莎草之类的草类物种接管了领地。grass-like species such as Pennsylvania sedge take over.

他是持有部分滚动推出的莎草纸在他的左手。He is holding a partially rolled papyrus scroll in his left hand.

建筑与木栈道环绕着雨水花园与郁郁葱葱的莎草地。The building and boardwalks frame the rain gardens and broom sedge meadows.

细鳞大马哈鱼和鲑鱼的残骸横七竖八的摊在铺满潮汐莎草的岸边。Pink and chum salmon carcasses lie tangled in linguine strands of tidal sedge.

省内入湖四水泥沙含量低,洲滩优势植被为莎草、柳林,家畜活动数量多,感染螺密度高。Many domestic animals are herded there and the density of infected snails is high.

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水莎草与矮慈姑两种杂草间也存在生态竞争关系。Competition on growth between Juncellus serotinus and Sagittaria pygmaea was evident.

现存最古老的癌症处方大约出自公元前1600年,是写在一张莎草纸上的。The oldest surviving description of cancer is written on a papyrus from about 1600 B.C.

连两岸的莎草没有带着渔网前来的渔夫的打搅也几乎从不摇摆。So the sedge which lines the banks knows hardly any disturbance until the fishermen come with their nets.

目的探讨莎草水提剂对离体豚鼠肠平滑肌的作用及其作用机制。Objective To study the effect of water extract of Cyperus on isolated intestinal smooth muscle of Guinea pig.

冰蚀槽长满了夏绿色的莎草和其他喜爱潮湿的植物,蜿蜒在阿拉斯加一处酸沼的褐色干燥山脊上。Troughs thick with summer-green sedges and other wet-loving plants ruffle the dry brown ridges of an Alaska bog.

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莎草属植物苞片表皮微形态特征在种间存在差异,可作为种间划分的依据。The different bract epidermal micro-morphological characters can be used to taxonomy of the tribe at species level.

那里海风猛烈,雾气弥漫,遍布沼泽和泥炭沼泽,只有莎草、杂草和蕨类能够生存。Where the fierce wind, fog filled the air, over the swamps and peat swamps, only sedges, weeds and ferns can survive.

进一步研究发现莎草水提剂能拮抗乙酰胆碱和氯化钡所致离体肠管平滑肌的兴奋作用。Further study found that Cyperus could antagonist the excitation effect of Ach and BaCl2 on the intestinal smooth muscle.

薄薄的雨雾并不能遮盖腐臭的味道,粉红色大马哈鱼的尸体杂乱地缠绕在一缕缕潮汐冲来的莎草中。The rain and mist can't mask the funky rot. Pink and chum salmon carcasses lie tangled in linguine strands of tidal sedge.

报道了山东莎草科一新记录植物―拟二叶飘拂草。Fimbristylis diphylloides Makino is reported as a newly recorded plant of the family Cyperaceae from Shandong in this paper.

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高寒草甸莎草科草地的土壤水分和营养决定着草地质量及其生产能力。The quality and productivity of sedge pasture in the alpine meadow area are determined by the moisture ana nutrient of the soil.

这么写出来的原稿象莎草纸的古卷一般又窄又长,在写作进行之中从打字机里喷涌而出,顺着地板流淌。The result was originals as long and narrow as papyrus cascading out of the typewriter and extending along the floor as one wrote.

其中,杂草种类较多的科依次为禾本科、莎草科、菊科、玄参科、泽泻科、千屈菜科等。The families including the most weed species were Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Compositae, Scrophulariaceae, Alismataceae and Lythraceae.