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我经常在放学时读它们。I always read them after school.

我下午三点半放学。I finish school at three-thirty.

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放学回家我不学习。Afterschool, I do not study at home.

小学生们放学了。The pupils were discharged from school.

刘畅不在放学以后听钢琴曲。Liu Chang doesn't listen to piano music.

放学以后,做完作业再玩。After school, do homework before playing.

噢,不,不!我是放学后来教课。Oh no, no! I do the after school teaching.

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你爸爸每天放学都来载你吗?。Does your dad pick you up every after school?

刘畅在放学以后听钢琴曲。Liu Chang listens to piano music after school.

我还会上晚自习,一直到晚上9点左右放学。At night, I still have to 9 p. m. after school.

还没有放学,很多孩子就悄悄离校了。A lot of kids cut out before the class was over.

今天学校放学比平常早了点儿。School lended a little earlier than usual today.

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在放学之前我们还要上两节课。We have two more lessons before school finishes.

一个男孩放学回家时,觉得肚子有点痛。A schoolboy went home with a pain in his stomach.

放学了,李艳不可能在教室里。School is over. Li Yan can't be in the classroom.

我在放学回家的路上遇到了大雨。I wase caught in a heavy on my way home after school.

刘畅不在放学以后听钢琴曲。Liu Chang doesn't listen to piano music after school.

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于是我放学回家后就开始清扫那堆垃圾。So after school, I started to clear the rubbish away.

当我放学走路回家时,正下着绵绵细雨。It was drizzling while I was walking home after school.

宝珠只好带她到学校去等德明放学,香琴硬要德明回萧家。Baozhu has no choice but to bring her to Deming's school.