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太太身故后,他感到切肤之痛。He was rather cut up after his wife passed away.

不过仅仅是到了日本公司才感到切肤之痛。But only now are Japanese companies starting to feel the real pinch.

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因此,酒店永远感受不到这块业务的“成本”所带来的切肤之痛。So, hotels never feel the pinch of the “cost” of that piece of business.

但真正感受切肤之痛的则是无缘正规银行系统的小型民营企业。The real pinch comes, however, for small private firms that are excluded from the formal banking system.

而有切肤之痛、家国之忧的中国学者更要试图对此做一解答。And feel the pains suffered by the home country of concern to the Chinese scholars have tried to do an answer.

我觉得穿了耳洞的男生是更佳的结婚对象。因为他们对切肤之痛和购买首饰都有经验了。I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry.

这个垄断集团有过切肤之痛,因为猛增的产量和滑坡的需求导致了油价的剧跌。The cartel has been bitten in the past when a mix of surging supply and slumping demand has sent prices plummeting.

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房地产市场萧条,消费基本停滞,对于这一点,西方人人都有切肤之痛。As everyone in the West knows to their cost, nothing puts a stop to consumer spending like a falling housing market.

在它的护羽下,我们免受了成长所带来的切肤之痛,它容纳了我们所有的伤痛,又化解了它们。Inside its protective walls we were shielded from the inexorable7 pains of growing up, taking them all in, and letting them go.

他们有着切肤之痛,想了解发生在他们身上的一切以及如何才能摆脱目前的困境。They were really hurting and wanted to understand what was happening to them and how they could get out of the fix they were in.

作为一位父亲、祖父以及丈夫,我能理解你们正在经受的痛苦,然而那种切肤之痛却是超乎我想象的。As a father, grandfather and husband, I have some feeling of what you are going through, but I can only imagine the depth of your pain.

中小银行最容易失去一些大储户,但陷入困境的大银行也会有切肤之痛。Small and midsize banks are most vulnerable to losing a few big depositors, but larger banks that are struggling can also feel the pinch.

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全球石油需求萎缩和油价崩跌,已令OPEC成员国感到切肤之痛.Shrinking global oil demand and the collapse in crude prices has hit members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries hard.

王传志将带北京女友回家过年的音讯通知母亲王美嫦,王家切肤之痛的准备迎接。WangChuanZhi will take Beijing girlfriend home New Year of king Chang thereafter and told her mother, the wangs beauty of preparing for pain.

尽管过去18个月里我们大部分人都在股市上遭受了切肤之痛,但股市和经济一样,不会永远保持低迷状态。Despite the horrid pain most of us have suffered in the market during the past 18 months, stocks, like the economy, will not remain down forever.

今,作为全球最封闭国家之一的朝鲜或许都在席卷全球的金融危机中感受到了切肤之痛,眼下危机的严重程度由此可见一斑。In another sign of the scope of the global financial crisis, even North Korea -- one of the world's most closed economies -- may be feeling the pinch.

旅游业的滑坡令该国感受切肤之痛,而美国对墨西哥制成品需求的下降,已经将后者推入自1995年金融危机以来最严重的经济衰退深渊。The drop in tourism will be sorely felt as a drop in U.S. demand for Mexican manufactured goods has pushed Mexico into its most severe recession since a 1995 financial crisis.

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不过,铁矿石、炼焦煤和废钢成本飙升带来的切肤之痛要到第三季才能感受到,分析师多预期届时会看到用户放缓补充库存的速度,同时终端用户的需求却未见提高.But the real pain of soaring costs for iron ore, coking coal and scrap will hit in the third quarter, when analysts see a possible slow down in restocking and end-user demand yet to pick up.