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该国的国势衰落了。The country waned in influence.

美国真的在衰落吗?Is Americas new declinism for real?

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新派神学的衰落和消亡。The decline and death of liberalism.

这是否意味着思域品牌的衰落?Does it mean the fall of a brand icon?

水星在射手座,土星衰落。Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn fading.

作为一个世界大国,A帝国衰落了。The A Empire declined as a world power.

美国真的是衰落了吗?。Text Is America'S new declinism for Real?

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罗马帝国,大英帝国都衰落了。Roman empire, Brirish Empire all declined.

茶让英帝国兴起,也让英帝国衰落。Tea raised and destroyed the English Empire.

而且毛里求斯没有衰落的迹象。And there’s nothing ramshackle about Mauritius.

1914年之后,英帝国迅速衰落下去。Britain's decline was extremely rapid after 1914.

日本的崛起和衰落都是这么轰轰烈烈。It has been a spectacular rise and fall for Japan.

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公德与私德均在衰落之中。Private and public virtues were at the lowest ebb.

在瑞利衰落信道上,性能亦有改善。In Rayleigh channel, the capacity is also improved.

然而,预言继续谴责了美国的衰落。And yet doomsayers continue to decry America's decline.

总之,丰都鬼神文化正在衰落。In some words, the ghost culture inFengdu is declining.

利奥先生创办的小企业不久就衰落了。The little enterprise set up by Mr. Leo had peaked out.

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三小事态滋长了新衰落主义。Three developments haudio-videoe fed the new declinism.

华强北市场衰落的部分原因,在于更大范围的行业衰落。That is partly due to a broader decline in the industry.

印度的电脑服务产业正在走向衰落吗?Is India's computer-services industry heading for a fall?