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鼓励幽默。Encourage humour.

使用你的幽默。Engage your humor.

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交一个幽默的死党。Find a humor buddy.

你们发现这挺幽默的。Now, you get geek humor.

你真是一个十足的幽默家。You're quite a humorist.

你是个十足的幽默家!You're quite a humorist!

这是一部幽默小说。This is a humorous novel.

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幽默是生存之道。Humor is a way to survive.

她不无幽默。She is not without humour.

我喜欢他的幽默和坦诚。And I liked him saying that.

他们俩都是幽默诙谐的人。Both of them were humorists.

他可怎么才能做到幽默呢?How the heck does he do that?

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可是幽默能使我们更聪明吗?But can humor make us smarter?

他一点也不幽默伤害了我。It hurts me how unfunny he is.

我告诉你,是上帝发明了幽默。I tell you, God invented humor.

他讲话缺乏幽默。Humour is lacking in his speech.

漫画结合了艺术和幽默。A cartoon combines art and humor.

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而那节是讲幽默的。And that is the lecture on humor.

超幽默的真人版“最后的晚餐”!How humorous the "Last Supper" is!

幽默就是意在引人发笑的写作。Humor is mean to laugh in writing.