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这是财政清廉的一个罕见的胜利。IT WAS a rare victory for fiscal rectitude.

我们的政府官员似乎很清廉。Our government officials seem free of corruption.

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清廉的法官是社会的基石。Incorruptible judges are the backbone of the society.

我对印度的愿景是成为一个干净和清廉的国家。My vision for India is a clean and corruption-free country.

冠带褴褛不一定证明你是清廉的。Shabby clothes don't necessarily prove that you are free from corruption.

萨科齐2007年竞选总统的时候,承诺建立一个清廉的政府。Sarkozy ran for the French presidency in 2007 promising a clean government.

日本的行政更加清廉,管理更好,而且在科技方面遥遥领先。Japan is far less corrupt and better managed, and holds a vast technological lead.

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卡钦斯基兄弟恨透了这档子事儿,他们最首要的是想树立一个清廉的政府,他们自身的清白是毋庸置疑的。The Kaczynskis loathe this sort of thing. They like to stand above all for clean government.

由于为政清廉正直,卡钦斯基在国内外都享有很高的声望,深得本国百姓爱戴。A clean and upright president, Kaczynski enjoyed great popularity within and outside the country.

其中一个原因,是因为他本身的正直清廉,绝不会剥削百姓。One reason was his own integrity. He was not involved in any way with what the others were doing.

贯彻严厉监理,优质效劳,科学公道,清廉自律地方针。Implement strict supervision, quality service, science fair, honest and self-disciplined approach.

清廉的名声是我们统治管理帝国的最大优势。This reputation for incorruptibility is the greatest of our advantages in administering the Empire.

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北宋中期的诗人梅挚生平虽不煊赫,但为官清廉,正直敢言,堪称循吏。Mei Zhi was not a poet of great renown, but an honest and upright official in Northern Song Dynasty.

自1998年起,该非政府组织每年公布清廉指数。The non-governmental organization has released its Corruption Perceptions Index each year since 1998.

泰勒相信蒋介石本人为政清廉,而且他深知贪腐对国民党的毒害。Personally incorruptible, Mr Taylor believes, he also understood the damage that graft did to the KMT.

通过其所公布的指数显示,新加坡被公认为世界最清廉的地区之一,也是亚洲最清廉的政府。Singapore has been recognized as one of the world's most clean socity, Asia's most corruption-free government.

这位师父有太太也有小孩,他因为十分清廉、纯洁而享有盛名。So now this guru had a wife and kids and so on, and he was very famous for being incorruptible, and very pure.

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两名前总统都涉及大规模贪污丑闻,低级官员能清廉吗?When two former presidents were involved in massive corruption, would lower-ranking officials not follow suit?

同时,提高干部懂法、用法的能力,保证司法清廉是以法治权的基础条件。In the meanwhile, knowing law well, using law well and disinterested justice is the groundwork to make power under law.

紫罗兰表示高贵,白色象征纯洁与清廉,这是首任校长南开之父张伯苓先生的良苦用心。As our founding father Dr. Zhang Boling put it, violet signifies noble whereas white represents pure and self-discipline.