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世上,许多的事物都美轮美奂,令人陶醉。In this world, many things are beautiful, charming.

美轮美奂的东方明珠塔让我们感到震撼。We are amazed by the grandeur of the Oriental Pearl.

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而天桥剧场的舞台上,又将成为芭蕾的仙境,美轮美奂。The stage of the Tianqiao Theater would be turned into fairy land.

沿途崇山峻岭,沟谷深陷,绿水青山,美轮美奂。Along the way are remote mountains, deep valleys, so green, so beautiful.

此刻,我想与大家一同欣赏这座美轮美奂的体育场。I want to take a moment with you all to recognize this marvellous stadium.

冰川就是在陆地表面缓慢移动的巨大冰块,它雕刻出美轮美奂的景观。Glaciers are masses of ice which move over land, carving out the landscape.

此项工作的魅力不仅仅在于各式各样,美轮美奂的服装。The attractiveness of this line of work is not only in the fabulous clothes.

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墙壁上美轮美奂的画让您仿佛置身于丛林,心旷神怡。Imagine you're surrounded by the beautiful forest in the painting on the wall.

那拔地而起、各具特色的建筑,就是我们美轮美奂的亚运村。In our Asia Games village, Splendid and characteristic buildings are rising up.

在本帖里,我们搜集了40余幅美轮美奂的晨露照片,希望能点燃你的灵感火花。In this post we have gathered over forty stunning morning dew photos for your inspiration.

釜爷告诉她,美轮美奂烟尘动物他提供的所有帮助他的需要。Kamaji tells her that the enchanted soot creatures provide him with all the help he needs.

一场美轮美奂的“来自阿普利亚的意大利式婚礼”今晚在世博园意大利馆上演。A beautiful ornate "from the Italian wedding priya in Italy, " the government hall tonight.

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亨利二世国王把美轮美奂的舍农索宫作为礼物送给自己的情妇戴安娜·普瓦捷。King Henri II made a gift of the elegant Chenonceau palace to his mistress Diane de Poitiers.

从奢华的羊皮地板到美轮美奂的外部装饰,幻影出现的本身就是对豪华最好的诠释。From the sheepskin floor mats to the retractable winged hood ornament, the Phantom is a luxury.

婚礼之前,部落勇士和姑娘们用褐土混合羊脂制造的珠子饰物装扮得美轮美奂。Before weddings, warriors and beaded girls prepare by applying makeup of red ocher and sheep fat.

我国古代诗歌修辞艺术美轮美奂,其涵盖的内容十分丰富。Rhetoric art of ancient poem of our country is magnificent, its content contained is very abundant.

此外,上海世博会的精彩图片也让他们眼前一亮,感叹世博的壮观和美轮美奂。The wonderful pictures made them marveled at the spectacular and beauty of the Shanghai World Expo.

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地块有时候非常小,偎依在马孔内产区美轮美奂的村庄里。Plots that are sometimes tiny, snuggled into niches in the prettiest villages of the Mâconnaisregion.

然而这种大众心理也没有阻挡住,李玉刚在歌唱,舞蹈时所表现出的美轮美奂给电视观众带来的震撼。But that did not stop television audiences from marvelling at Li's beauty and grace as he sang and danced.

上面的照片,纹理细致的尘带环绕着旋涡星系明这发光的中心,美轮美奂。Pictured above, finely textured dust lanes surround the brightly glowing center of this picturesque spiral.