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这些说法-如果是真实的话-绝对是惊世骇俗的。This version — if it's true — is beyond shocking.

在那场比赛中,卡萨尼的一脚惊世骇俗的远射帮助西西里球队3比2取得了胜利。Cassani's blockbuster from distance secured a late 3-2 victory for the Sicilians.

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非欧元区的英国让其货币贬值,但其赤字预算却可谓惊世骇俗。Non-euro-zone Britain has let its currency fall, but its budget deficit is unnerving.

尽管如此,与通常我们听到的来自领导的观点相比,这位总理的评论还是相当惊世骇俗。Even so, the premier's comments are in marked contrast to the sentiments usually heard from leaders.

我敢打赌,除非你为GOOGLE工作,或者是一个自由职业者,或者相当地惊世骇俗,你可能会这样。And I’ll just bet, unless you work for Google, are self-employed, or extremely worldly, you probably are.

没有第二个艺术家可以激发我如此原始、惊世骇俗的创造力。"No other artist would give me the opportunity to devise such original and way-out creations, " Armani explains.

开放的社会氛围下,日常生活中的明星秀愈演愈烈。先锋前卫的色彩,惊世骇俗的混搭前所未有的生活化。In the open social atmosphere, the imitation of movie stars, the vanguard color, and exaggerative mixing style are common.

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然而,凭借提亚哥惊世骇俗的远射,古德扬森的挑射和乔科尔的越位球,切尔西3-1力斩红魔。Chelsea, however, win 3-1 with a wonderful goal by Tiago, a clever goal by Eidur Gudjohnsen and an offside goal by Joe Cole.

随着时间的推移,把多利羊带到人世的克隆技术已经显得不那么惊世骇俗。AS time goes by, the cloning technology that brought Dolly the sheep into the world has shown that it isn't a one-hit wonder.

示威者把募集来的大量鲜血泼洒在总理府门口,这一惊世骇俗之举令人毛骨悚然。The mass blood donations for supplies to splatter on the office of the prime minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, was a creepy stunt.

他一直想象自己,成为那种能说出一些惊世骇俗的话的人,但是他还没有到那一步。He was continually imagining himself to be someone on the verge of saying something spectacular, but he wasn't quite there yet.

太平岛有110英亩的土地,而菲律宾在仲裁法庭上竟然能将它描述为一块“石头”,简直惊世骇俗。It's amazing the Philippines could describe the Taiping Island, which has 110 acres of land, as a "rock" to the court of arbitration.

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当然鲁尼或许永远也不可能有梅西那种惊世骇俗的盘带技巧,不过鲁尼能做到的是可以提高他的紧密控球技术。While he will never be able to match the amazing dribbling skills of Messi, something Rooney could work on is his close ball control.

她以出尘脱凡的美貌闻名于世,而她惊世骇俗的私生活更为人们津津乐道,其中包括8次婚姻和一系列的身体疾病。She was equally famous for her extraordinary beauty and her stormy personal life, including 8 marriages and a series of physical ailments.

杰拉德在3-1逆转那不勒斯的欧联比赛中所上演的惊世骇俗的帽子戏法依然历历在目,霍奇森希望其他队员们都能以队长为学习的榜样。After watching his skipper notch a fantastic hat-trick during the 3-1 Europa League victory over Napoli, Hodgson wants others to follow his example.

当艺术家们用以创作的新奇方式由当初的惊世骇俗逐渐使观众审美疲劳的时候,我们自然会冷静下来思考一下其他的可能性还有哪些。When the newfangled ways which seem shocking at first but finally tire the audience, we will of cause calm down to think about what other possibilities are.

切尔西希望一开局就让加泰罗尼亚人闭嘴,可是德科的惊世骇俗的进球让诺坎普的第三分钟陷入了疯狂!Chelsea would have set out to keep the Catalans quiet in the opening stages, but Deco 's thundering finish after just three minutes sent Camp Nou into raptures.

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对尼采而言,和保罗·李交善的这段时间是他思想形成发展的重要阶段,他最具个性以及惊世骇俗的哲学思想大多肇始于此。For Nietzsche, the period of collaboration was a crucial stage in his development, and a springboard for his most characteristic and radical contributions to philosophy.

但是,随着兴中会成立后孙中山接二连三的惊世骇俗的表演,郑观应的历史地位便相形见绌。However, as the Revive China Society to shock the world after the establishment of Sun Yat-sen successive performances, Cheng view the historical status would be dwarfs.

在拍摄龙虎少年队电视剧的那几年,每每从洛杉矶飞到温哥华的航程上,戴普都深深觉得如果他不脱口说出某些惊世骇俗的话语,那麽未知的可怕事件就会紧接著发生。Flying from L. A. to Vancouver during his 21 Jump Street years he got an overwhelming feeling that if he didn't blurt out something shocking, horrible things would ensue.