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DFA的正则表达式引擎可以处理原子团?Can DFA regex engines handle atomic groups?

研究建立了激光与原子团簇相互作用的实验系统。Experimental system of laser interaction with atomic clusters was founded.

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反应能量主要采用原子团加和方法以及密度泛函理论进行估算。Reaction energy was always estimated by Group additivity method and density functional theory.

凡是具有未成对电子的原子、分子或原子团都称为自由基,在体内分布广泛。All unpaired atom, molecule and atomic group are called free radicals, which exist in body widely.

同时,对捕获的冷原子团温度、密度的精确测量也成为一个重要的研究课题。The precise measurement of temperature or density of the ultra-cold atoms becomes a bedrock research.

当三、六颗原子团在呈现正三角形的形貌时,会较其他种形貌稳定而难以改变其结构。When trimer and hexamer show the equilateral triangle shapes, they will be more stable than other kinds of shapes.

通过计算机编程,建立了几种典型金属的原子团晶体模型。Through computer programming, the paper has established radicel crystal models for several kinds of typical metals.

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在本文中我们讨论了在空间微重力环境下利用对射冷原子团实现空间冷原子钟的可能性。We discuss the feasibility of realizing a cold atom space clock with counter-propagating cold atoms in microgravity.

这个性质可以用来在实验中区分超冷原子团中原子数目的奇偶性。This feature may be used to distinguish ultracold atomic clusters which have even or odd numbers of atoms in experiment.

盐类由金属离子或正电原子团替代酸中所有或部分的氢离子而得到的化合物。A chemical compound formed by replacing all or part of the hydrogen ions of an acid with metal ions or electropositive radicals.

碳原子团簇的生长过程及其富勒烯的形成机理,是近十余年来科学界孜孜以求而又一直无法求解的难题。Growth and formation of fullerenes and other carbon clusters has presented a mechanistic puzzle to physical and organic chemists.

早些时候,科学家们用成千上万个原子组成原子团来研究这种效应及其神奇特性。Previously, scientists have studied this effect and its amazing properties, using atomic ensembles with hundreds of thousands of atoms.

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不过那些装置佔满了大部份的房间,因为原子团是在一个大型的真空腔中自由落下时进行分开再结合的。But those devices take up most of a room, because the atomic blobs split and recombine while free-falling inside a large vacuum chamber.

亿分之一度的低温时,钠原子就变为一种单独、密集的原子团,此时,钠在“步伐一致地”振动。Chilled to just billionths of a degree above absolute zero, individual sodium atoms become a single, dense glob, atoms vibrating in lockstep.

实验结果显示原子团簇粒径愈大,其游離能越低,这个现象与之前其他团队研究原子团簇所得到的结果相符。The results show that the ionization potential decreases as the cluster size increases. The experimental results agree with other group's studying.

不论原子个数为多少的原子团,其形貌以紧密状结构出现的机会也会较直链状结构频繁。No matter what the number of atoms in the clusters is the close compacted configurations are observed more frequently than the chain configurations.

在晶体固体结构中可以辨别出一个细胞单元其含有一个可以以精确的几何结构被无限重复的原子团。However in crystalline solids it is possible to identify a unit cell containing a group of atoms that is repeated indefinitely in precise geometric fashion.

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本文使用一维双列氢原子团簇模型对强激光场中的团簇动力学过程进行了数值模拟。A simplified version together with a double-array 1D atomic hydrogen cluster model is presented for simulating cluster dynamics when exposed to intense light.

遗传算法作为一种结构优化方法应用于研究原子团簇的结构和性质,具有高效和全局搜索等特点。Genetic algorithm is used to study structures and properties of atomic clusters as structural optimization technique, which has high efficiency and global search.

本文简要报导了采用二级轻气炮产生的动态超高压来合成微球形碳原子团簇的理论分析与初步实验结果。The theory and experimental results for the formation of micro-spherical cluster of carbon atoms obtained by high Dynamic pressure method are described in this paper.