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这女人可惟利是图了。This chick's a mercenary.

那些医院简直就是惟利是图。It is invidious profiteering those hospitals.

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惟利是图者,胸中无美好的品德。virtue flies from the heart of a mercenary man.

他认为英国政府低能且无道德原则,资本家寡廉鲜耻,惟利是图。He deems capitalists to be shameless and bents solely on profit.

我对它缺乏感情,总觉得它枯燥、愚蠢、惟利是图、诡计多端,怎么也适应不了。I am not in sympathy with it. It strikes me as dull, and stupid, and mercenary, and tricky.

惟利是图的人反应了韩国就是一个惟利是图的国家!Invidious profiteering of people reflects the invidious profiteering of South Korea is a country!

任何一家公司,如果其经营惟利是图、不顾道义的话,注定要从该行业中被挤出去。Any company, if it is run with only profit in mind regardless of morality, is bound to be chased out.

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这迫使企业在原材料使用上往低处走,给部分惟利是图的企业开了方便之门。This forced enterprises in the use of raw materials to go low Department to the door to some profit enterprises.

任何一家公司,如果其经营惟利是图、不顾道义的话,注定要从该行业中被挤出去。Any company, if it is run with only profit in mind regardless of morality, is bound to be chased out of business.

由于人们相信犀牛角有制药的功能,引致惟利是图的猎人对这种草食兽赶尽杀绝。For the misleading obsession on the pharmaceutical utilization of the rhino horns, mercenary hunters genocided the herbivores.

该事件让很多人都担心,他们是把个人信息给了一个私有的、惟利是图的公司。The event left many people fearful of the amount of personal information they were ceding to a private, profit-hungry enterprise.

她们不但得不到所渴望的自由和经济安全,反而成为人口贩子和惟利是图的雇主的剥削对象。Instead of laying claim to the freedom and economic security they hoped for, they are preyed upon by traffickers and exploitative employers.

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因为食品生产者惟利是图,丧失了商业道德。他们不再把食品安全当作首要问题。Because the food manufactures are so obsessed with making money that they lose the business ethics. They no longer take food safety as their priority.

教育与社会生活陷入一种庸俗的惟利是图与享乐主义之中,混乱、无序、虚无。The education and social life fall into a vulgar situation intending on nothing but profit and the hedonism, and this situation is confused, disordered and nihilistic.

只要他1861年手头有一百美元的现金,任何一个忠于南部联盟的人,都会像我这样干的,可是,真正惟利是图能够利用他们的机会的人又多么少啊!Any loyal Confederate who had a thousand dollars in cash in 1861 could have done what I did, but how few were mercenary enough to take advantage of their opportunities!