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而有些细胞可以降解胶原蛋白Some cells digest collagen.

方法过氧化氢氧化降解法。MethodsDegradation by hydrogen peroxide oxidation.

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一些难降解有机物是有毒的水生生物。Some refractory organics are toxic to aquatic life.

有机磷酸盐在土壤中降解十分迅速。The organophosphates degrade fairly rapidly in soil.

它们在降解以后,磷酸盐会进入土壤。As they degrade, the phosphates migrate into the soil.

在乙腈中未发现降解。No degradation of otilonium was found in acetonitrile.

化学降解法复杂且费时间。Chemical degradations are laborious and time-consuming.

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环糊精是淀粉的天然降解产品。Cyclodextrins are natural degradation products of starch.

目的研究苯二氮牻类药物奥沙西泮的降解产物。OBJECTIVE To study the decomposable compound of oxazepam.

在培养过程中,高分子降解消失。And during the time of culture, the polymer degrades away.

丁草胺在不同类型水中的光化学降解。Photochemical degradation of butachlor in different water.

JDC-16对邻苯二甲酸二乙酯的降解。JDC-16 was further characterized for biodegradation of DEP.

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探讨了TBA的臭氧氧化过程的降解机理。The degradation mechanism of TBA by ozonation was explored.

IP3的降解产物对通道没有明显的激活作用。The metabolite of IP3 had no obvious effect on BK channels.

用同样方法可以降解HCHO和苯酚。The same method can be used and phenol degradation of HCHO.

icer是细胞降解RNA的内在机制Dicer is an internal cellular mechanism for degrading RNA's.

LAS的降解率与菌体细胞的生长率同步。The rate of LAS degradation in step with the rate of growing.

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木质纤维素的结构导致其不易降解。The structure of lignocellulose makes it hard to be degraded.

加入氮源能促进生长和苯酚降解。Adding nitrogen source can promote its growth and degradation.

在230℃经长时间团化,涂膜发生热降解。Heat decomposition was observed for the coating cured at 230℃.