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标题为“仓促答辩状的择要”。the heading is "headline of headlong pleadings".

择要」21世纪是信息技能的时期。The 21st century is an era of information technology.

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它包孕场景,角色和情节择要。It includes setting, characters and summary of action.

在显示的文件选择器中选择要打开的文件Selecting the file to open in the displayed file chooser

本文择要报道了农业螨类研究结果。This paper is a summary of studies on the agricultural mites.

从下拉菜单中选择要添加到总线的服务器或集群。Choose the server or cluster to add the bus from the drop down menu.

有关礼物的话题有很多,我们只是择要而讲。There are many topics related to gifts, we just choose to be and say.

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最后一步是选择要加上水印的图片版本。The last step is choosing which image versions you want to be watermarked.

用副词、连词等整合,完成择要撰著。Combine the key words into a summary, using some adverbs, conjunctions, etc.

然后,写一个谈话的快速择要以及为什么你非常适合这份工作。Then, write a quick summary of the conversation why you are perfect for the job.

对于表空间级恢复,要在下个页面中选择要恢复的表空间。For table space-level restore, pick the table spaces to be restored in the next page.

从主窗口右下角的下拉列表中选择要进行分区的设备。Select the device to partition from the drop-down list at the top-right of the main window.

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如果安装了多个内核,您还可以在此菜单中选择要载入的内核。You can also select which kernel to load in this menu if you have multiple kernels installed.

只当您选择要自动发布自己的信息时,此配置才会生效。This configuration is only effective in case you choose to publish your information automatically.

本文择要讨论国内金融制度对国势、进而对国际竞争的影响。This paper probes the impact of financial systems on national power and international competition.

你可以择要摘取,因为写信是一回事。写历史是另一回事。You can pick out the important bits , for it is one thing to write a letter , another to write history.

本文对此择要介绍,以展示到目前为止这方面研究的进展状况。This paper gives a typical and recapitulative introduction about them to open up the state of its research.

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本文择要介绍了该管理系统的设计思想、原则及实现方法。The designing idea, principle and implement technique of this computer manage system are introduced in this paper.

有结婚的权利才是重点所在,一个人选择要不要那个权利则是另外一回事。Having the right to marry is the central issue, whether one chooses to take up that right is another matter all together.

系统将提示您输入项目名称,然后要求您从功能集列表中选择要包括在项目中的功能。You are prompted for a project name, and then you are asked to select from a list of feature sets to include in your project.