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不过,撒切尔还是以自己的准绳贯彻实施了法律。Thatcher laid down the law.

跟随它并贯彻到底。Follow up and follow through on it.

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这就是我所说的“始终贯彻”。That is what I call follow-through.

在一条连续的人生旅途上贯彻你的理想。Run your thought in a continuous train.

哈根达斯贯彻了其矜贵策略。Häagen Dazs Jingui implement its strategy.

这个主题贯彻在他所有的作品中。The theme carried through all his writing.

确保HSSE政策被很好地贯彻。Ensure HSSE policies are strictly followed.

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他将把这些目标贯彻到底。He will carry these aims through to the end.

大卫决心把自己的计划贯彻到底。David is determined to follow his plan through.

做事有始有终,贯彻到底。Finish the work what you start, and implement it.

用勇气与坚持贯彻你的计划。Implement your plans with courage and persistence.

这些目标将贯彻到底。These aims will be carried out through to the end.

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本着服务人群,贯彻宗乡情谊的传统。With the Pope, implement the traditional township.

贯彻到底的计划才是好计划。A plan is only as good as those who see it through.

认真贯彻党的侨务政策。Implementing the military strategy of active defense.

这是整个学校贯彻的纪律大纲中的一部分。It is part of a consistent school-wide discipline plan.

尽筦计划很周详,但是没有得到贯彻。Although the intend was thorough, it was not carried via.

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他们常常没能贯彻来自北京的指示。Often, they fail to implement directives sent from Beijing.

这对过去十年中贯彻的福利主义是个糟糕的评论。This is a dreadful comment on the past decade of welfarism.

尽管计划很周详,但是没有得到贯彻。Although the plan was thorough, it was not carried through.