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有点傻,我知道。Corny, I know.

有点小自大。a little cocky.

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或是有点疲惫不堪吗Tired as can be?

她只是有点心烦。She's just upset.

这有点赘述。This is tautology.

嗨,可能这对你真是有点大材小用。Hey, maybe you are.

他稍微有点耳背。He is slightly deaf.

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有点疯狂,不过没问题。Hectic, but alright.

或者有点像狄更斯笔下的世界?Or maybe Dickensian?

这有点像猜谜游戏。It's a guessing game.

我觉得舌头有点麻麻的。My tongue feels numb.

有点小尴尬。It's a little awkward.

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这女孩看上去有点蔫。The girl seems droopy.

这人有点迂。He's a bit of a pedant.

只是有点针刺。Just a little pinprick.

婷婷有点紧张。Tingting seems nervous.

这汤有点热。This soup is rather hot.

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霜的颜色有点泛白。Cream is a whitish color.

他腰有点发酸。He has a slight backache.

他今天有点惹人烦。He is a bit trying today.