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刷上打散的鸡蛋上光。Brush on beaten egg glaze.

接着拌入打散的鸡蛋。Next, fold in the beaten egg.

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鸡蛋打散,炒熟。Beat eggs, stir-fry until cooked.

加进两个打散的蛋清后搅匀。Fold in the beaten whites of two eggs.

土司沾上打散的蛋液及牛奶。Toast dip with beat eggs and then milks.

将剩余的一个蛋黄打散,加入2大勺清水,搅拌均匀。Break the yolk, add 2 tbsp water, mix well.

巨浪把风之帆船打散了,蒲公英沉入了海中。The wind scattered the ships sank into the sea, dandelion.

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蛋黄打散后加入已融化好的巧克力和无盐牛油里,拌匀。Beat the egg yolks into the chocolate mixture and mix well.

要理解这个新的词汇,不妨把它打散了来看。In order to understand this new term, let’s break it apart.

在另一浅碗中,打散蛋,混合牛奶与辣椒酱。In another shallow bowl, whisk the eggs, buttermilk and hot pepper sauce.

鸡蛋打散与盐、水豆粉搅成淡豆粉、裹于茄子上。Beat eggs with salt, water, soy flour Jiaocheng light, wrapped in eggplant.

如今,随着每个波浪打散了我们写在沙滩上的情书,我那破碎的心便痛了起来。Now my broken heart aches with every wave that breaks over love letters in the sand.

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他们为了救人和日本鬼子打了起来,但是寡不敌众他们被打散了。In order to save them and Japs fight, but hopelessly outnumbered they were scattered.

加入玉米淀粉,鱼酱,打散的鸡蛋,和芫荽叶,咖喱酱和辣椒末。Add the cornflour, fish sauce, beaten egg, coriander leaves, curry paste and chillies.

时间,就在这里消逝了,或者,被打散为相互无联系的片断。Of time in here, disappeared, or been broken up for their mutual non-linked fragments.

列出次序的方式应该得以使用,来打散文章中的长段并强调信息。Listings should be used to break up long pa ages of prose and to emphasize information.

把鸡蛋打入碗内打散。把拍好面粉的茄片挂上蛋液后,沾上面包糠拍实。Beat the egg in a bowl. Dip the aubergine in the egg, then fully coat with bread crumbs.

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列出次序的方式应该得以使用,来打散文章中的长段并强调信息。Listings should be used to break up long passages of prose and to emphasize information.

他回答说,这是打散犹大,以色列,和耶路撒冷的角。And he answered me, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.

将牛奶、香草精、白糖、肉桂加入打散的鸡蛋中,搅打至充分混合,静置备用。In a bowl, whisk milk, vanilla, sugar, and cinnamon into the beaten eggs until well blended.