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胸前有花布蝴蝶结作装饰。A floral printed bow trimmed on chest.

彩色土,贝,乾燥花,羽毛,客家花布。Color clay, shell, desiccated flowers and leaves.

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是的.主要是印花布.但也有一小部分是素花布.这些就是.Yes, mainly prints. There are a few plain as well.

我们有把握订购大量的花布。We are sure to place a considerable order of cloth.

这些移民用花布换取印第安人的毛皮。The colonists bartered calico with the Indians for furs.

我们有把握订购大量的花布。We are sure to order a large amount of embroidery cloth.

是的。主要是印花布。但也有一小部分是素花布。这些就是。Yes, mainly prints. There are a few plain as well. Here they are.

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就像花布刚才说的,我们一站又一站比赛渐渐接近了使用KERS的途径。As Flavio said before, we will approach the use of KERS race by race.

线色必须与净色布的颜色相配,或花布的底色相配。Threads used must be matching to fabric color or base color of fabric.

是的。主要是印花布。但也有一小部分是素花布。这些就是。What kind of cottons are they? May I see your list? Ah, machine prints.

这件小袄儿是用各色花布斗起来的。This small coat was patched up with pieces of cloth of different colours.

裁缝用米尺给我量出了三米的花布。The tailor measured a piece of three-meter cloth with a meter scale for me.

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我上星期买的新花布都在那儿,动也没动。There is all the new calico there that was bought last week, not touched yet.

我只看见系在一起的两条乌黑的辫子,搭在花布棉袄上。I just saw two sooty plaits tied together, put up on her printed cloth wadded jacket.

他用从面粉袋子上剪下来的花布做成窗帘,换下了原来挂在肮脏不堪的窗户上的粗麻布口袋。Floral cloth from flour sacks replaced the burlap-bag curtains covering the grimy window.

滴塑印花工艺可生产出风格独特的立体花布,深受消费者欢迎。The plastic drop printing process can produce raised printing effect and unique fabric style.

我的导游书介绍最好在威基伍花布饮下午茶,而我正好住在那里。My guidebook recommends afternoon tea at the Wedgewood, which happens to be where I'm staying.

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一只用彩色花布缝制,佩有两条飘带的荷包飞向小伙子。Facing each other, they throw or catch a stuffed pouch made of cotton print with two streamers.

牛仔布、土花布的再造系列是三个主题当中的精华。The reconstituted series of denim, urban cotton print were the essential among the three themes.

我们要采购楞条花布和天鹅绒织物,毛毯,床单,羊毛织物,棉花织物。We want to buy Corduroy and Velvet Fabrics, Blankets, Bedspreads , Wool Fabrics, Cotton Fabrics.